Friday, March 25, 2016


Pokemon Go image :D
I don't know if this blog is relevant to anyone's interest.  I have no idea why I am doing this. Why was I compelled to start a daily blog in the middle of a semester, and actually keep it up?  My life is boring, I don't really do anything fun.  I make a lot of mistakes and do stupid things.  I am not a particularly fascinating person, I don't really have many friends.  Why would anyone want to read this blog.  I am nothing special, and I know the few of you who read this blog may think otherwise, but I am addressing the randoms.  The internet is full of millions of web addresses.  Which would take several lifetimes to skim through, yes just skim. (I made that up)  So why is this blog special.  It isn't really.  I just like to put my thoughts down on the internet.  For some random bloke in Germany to judge.  Just for some random girl stuck in the hospital forced to surf the internet for days on end.  Just for that boy who is looking up research papers on internet addiction for research.  (research begets research)   So if you are interested at all in my mundane life come and sit a while.  Just read and relax as you peruse my mental landscape.  I leave quite a bit out, but this blog is about a quarter of what my mental landscape is.  Mental Landscape - inner thoughts, creativity, just anything that goes on in my inner psyche (I made this definition/word combo up)

Most important video you will see today.... Someone told me this post was depressing so I added some cute owls

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