Sunday, October 30, 2016


Hey does anyone want daily blogs from me? Okay I hope you people have a wonderful day!

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Evan Peters

Okay I admire Evan Peters sue me.  He is a wonderful actor and I had a dream that we worked on a movie together.  I know that it is kind of weird but who cares!  I hope you guys have a lovely day! AHGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Its been a while

I haven't really been on here in awhile.  That is because when I do something I get into a habit of doing it.  However I get into a habit with that current situation so know I have a new schedule so I want to start doing daily blogs or blogs every other day.  Well at least once a week if not more. I have plans for what I want to do.  I am going to do that Write a book in November thing because no one is stopping me.  I have no idea why people are still going to my blog with no new posts but ah well. I watched Joy last night and it was amazing.   This is my favorite season, the cursed summer is over and I am joyus.  Some people get seasonal depression in winter, I could say I get it in the summer (well not really, I just hate summer.)

Thursday, October 06, 2016


So today is my birthday.  wOOOOOOOOOOOOO I am 24 years old ahhhhhhhhhhhhh so old gaa.
I am finally an adult in my mental age according to an inside joke my friend have.  Actually it was proven by a doctor but it isn't so serious as I made it.  Fear the clown! Bread doesn't taste good to me anymore.  CHicken Nuggets aren't that good anymore either!  I am growing up woow.  I still love steak as much as ever though :D  i hope you guys have a wonderful day full of cake and stuff!  I got gluten free cake :) I ate a little shhh.