Monday, June 22, 2020


I’m thinking of doing this weekly daily is to much.  Last of us 2 came out and I really like it I haven’t finished yet but I think I’m done with Ellie’s story now I’m in abbys story. I was waiting for when I got to play as her. I really like it so far a lot of fans don’t like the story but I haven’t finished it yet so I can’t say.  I like it so far though.

Monday, June 15, 2020

Mario & Luigi inside story

I told my boyfriend I was going to quit but I didn’t. Haha it’s a pretty fun game I beat the first in the series and I’m working on the second. I have no idea why I’m writing on here after a year but I like doing it.  I walked around menards for an hour.  Cool  pretty cool pretty cool my peepos have a good existence hope you don’t get eaten by a bear. A giant squid is okay just not a bear!

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Last of us review

So this game came out 7 years ago and I just beat it.  It came out of the ps3 which came out 17 years ago.  I’m so far behind on gaming I got the switch a couple years ago and got the ps4 6 months ago.  I really wish I bought last of us on release date. I usually see games with guns as stupid and lazy cause there’s way to many.  Why was I so naive?! I still don’t like shooters as general gameplay.  I’m a fan of horizon zero dawn which is bows but hey bows are cool.  Anyway last of us is an amazing game I beat it two times: first time took me a couple of months to beat because I was scared  of the Clickers. I would enter a level and hear the clickers and leave.  Since I work 9-5 it would be dark when I was done so I had to wait for the weekend to build the courage to play. (Winter) however the second time around  I beat it in 5 day’s. I’m itching to play it again so bad. The story telling is amazing the gameplay is amazing. I love how the virus is based on a real thing and not just oh dead people are here we don’t know why? Whereas I don’t think the cortacepts Can actually take over humans.  It’s a pretty cool hypothetical.  I was skeptical going in everyone loves this, maybe it’s to much praise? Nope! I wonder how many games are inspired by Lou?  I’m really excited to play lou2!  I love the bond between Ellie and Joel. Even David seems cool but he is clearly the bad guy I like his character development. He never lied to Ellie he wanted Ellie on his team. Even the background characters talked behind his back. The story isn’t all in the gameplay some of it is the dialogue in the npcs you can 100% miss if you’re not paying attention.  The notes people leave.  This game has so much background stories you can miss if you don’t Check every corner.  This game isn’t meant to be ran through it’s meant to be explored. The voice acting is incredible i wouldn’t except a 30 year old to play a 50 year old man? Ashley Johns is awesome to I love Ellie.  I would say my favorite character Ellie because she grows so much and she’s only 14. She protects Joel and saves his life she turns out to be the protagonist by the end of the story. I think Ellie is stronger than Joel Ellie would of sacrificed herself I believe. My favorite scene is David, Ellie lost her child like innocence she previously only killed to protect Joel she killed David out of rage.  It’s just a great game bye my peeps! If you haven’t played it yet play it you weirdo!

Saturday, June 13, 2020


I have been trying to exercise more. I’m only going to check my weight every month instead of every day.  I’ve lost a couple pounds already.  I’m not on a crazy diet or anything but I haven’t eaten candy in a long time.  Timmy bought me 4 boxes of candy and I ate those in a like a few day’s.  He buys me candy when it goes on sale he’s so sweet. I don’t want candy though. Quarantine is annoying I have to be 6 feet from my boyfriend. 🤨 He is an essential worker and is in contact with people all day and he thinks he had the virus already.  He got sick for 2 weeks I should’ve made him something but I didn’t.  I didn’t want to get the virus. I’ve made him meatloaf and beef stroganoff since than. I bought him a hair razor for his birthday and $20 worth of airheads.  I was gonna buy him a GameStop gift card but I forgot they had them at woodmans and I smacked my head.  The ps5 is coming out i proposed we buy it for each other for Christmas.  If I get a raise at work which would be nice but seems unlikely since they decreased pay for the appointment setters now. The bug snacks games seems really cool and I had that idea when I was a kid where fruits and veggies were sentient.  Which was so original cause I went to a religious daycare that showed veggie tales.
Bug snacks. That’s a link to the YouTube video. Goodbye volcano high. I’m also excited for this one causes it’s a anime style furry game with the protagonist as a bird. I just checked it’s on the ps4 as well so if I don’t end up getting the ps5 I can still play!  I’m not a furry but I’m a feathery if that’s a thing. I really want a bird costume and wear it to the renaissance fair.  The tag line they use is after the plague comes the renaissance which is sick. The covid 19 is like almost 8 million confirmed cases. Which I think is at least way more cause if timmy had it and didn’t get tested how many people did that?  My mom think she got it in December as well.  Well I hope you enjoyed my Migraine rant bye see you later!