Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Where Pears come from

Watch this and you can see where my blog Description actually came from.  It wasn't completely random, a really round about way saying that I like Doctor Who. I just couldn't remember how the line it went. It's Tenent, there has been Smith and Capaldi okay it's been awhile since he has been the doctor.  To me Eccelston was the crazy uncle, Tennet was the boyfriend, Smith was your childhood friend, and Capaldi was, well I haven't finished his arc yet I am behind in the Doctor who franchise.  There is going to be a new doctor before I know it.   I don't want to watch it illegally, but I don't know where to find it.  Does anyone know where to find it.  I found out that I had strep throat yesterday, which I have never had.  I don't know how often I have mentioned Doctor Who on this blog, but the show is amazing.  Being sick makes you think about a lot of things.  Which is good for me because right now is a big step in my life.  Cause I am graduating college, or am I? I hope that you people are having a great day and that everything can go the way that you want it to. What Doctor Who isn't on Netflix anymore?  What will I watch now?  Hm, my little pony will do...  Or Sherlock I guess, but you can only watch that show so many times before you know everything and found all the easter eggs.  I included a selfie of me, yay I am sick.  

I wrote this in 2008, oh what a great year!

Chapter 1 The Forbidden Forest
Aragorn: Um, Legolos I found some eerie tracks!
Legolos: It looks as if it belongs to a colossal frog?
Gandalf: In all my days I have never heard of a colossal frog!
Gimli: Um, guys I don't think were in Fangorn Forest anymore!
Legolos: Why would you say that?
Gimli: Because last time I checked there's no such thing as centaurs!
Bane: What are you doing in my boundaries! Get out right now or I'll kill you!
Aragorn: What! I'm the king of Gondor Respect me!
Bane: What is this Gondor you speak of?
Aragorn: It's only the most awesome place ever!
Bane: Are there horses there?
Aragorn: No that's Rohan!
Bane; Well Maybe I would let you stay if you the king of Rohan.
Aragorn: Well is that so then I will just leave!
Gandalf: Well I am a wizard maybe I can give you something that will change your mind
Bane: I highly doubt that.
Legolos: Oh please here I got some sugar cubes!
Bane: Yeah! That is so mine.
Aragorn: Now can we stay please?
Bane: Okay fine as long as you give me more sugar cubes!
Aragorn: Sweet!
Bane: Yeah hey what are your names?
Aragorn: I'm Aragorn that is Legolos, and that is Gimli!
Bane: And you Wizard?
Gandalf: I'm Gandalf the most awesome wizard ever!
Bane: You should have met Dumbuldore before he died he was the best wizard too!
Gandalf: Really was he a teacher?
Bane: yeah he used to be the charms teacher then he became headmaster of Hogwarts!
Gimli: Where is this Hogwarts?
Bane: It's just outside this forest!
Legolos: Really let's go outside the forest then.
Bane: But I want some more sugar cubes!
Gandalf: Fine Here you go (casts a spell that multiplies the sugar cubes to like a billion)
(Then out of the blue they hear a spine-tingling cry from their comrade Frodo)

Chapter 2: Froggy!!!
Pippin: Froggy!! (Runs toward Gamunbuto)
Merry: Pippin whatever you do don't go near that thing!
Pippin: Since when did you care what happens to me Merry!
Merry: On one hand I would say that to almost anyone and on the other hand I'm like your best friend Duh!
Pippin: Oh okay!
Gamunbuto: I'm not that mean.
Pippin: Oh sorry we didn't mean to hurt your feelings! Anyway how did you get so big?
Gamunbuto: I drink a lot of milk!
Pippin: Cool!
Merry: Awwwwwwwwwwww a talking frog!
Gamunbuto: It seems as though you have never seen a talking frog before!
Merry: (Shaking his head) NO!
Gamunbuto: That's what I hate nobody even knows about us Giant FrogsL
Pippin: Man I wish I knew about you forever I could have totally scared everyone with you!
Merry: Yeah me to!
Pippin: Oh yeah I almost forgot we're stuck in a forest can you please help us out?
Gamunbuto: Sure I could probably get out of here in less than 30 minutes!
Merry: good lets go!
(They both climb on Gamunbuto and he hops away)

Chapter 3: The Leaky Cauldron!
Tobi: Hey Diedara where are we?
Diedara: Hey random dude where are we anyway?
Tom: what are you talking to me?
Diedara: Yes I am talking to you!
Tom: Oh you are in the Leaky Cauldron!
Tobi: Cool! The leaky Cauldron what is the Leaky Caldron anyway?
Tom: It's the passageway to Diegon alley of course!
Diedara: How do we get to this diegon Alley?
Tom: It's through that door over there!
Tobi: What kind of stuff do they have there?
Tom: All your basic magical supplies of course!
Diedara: Thank you.
Tom: Hey don't you want something to drink?
Tobi: Sure do you have any grape juice?
Tom: No but I'm sure you'll like to try some butter beer!
Diedara: Um does that taste anything like root beer!
Tom: No!
Tobi: Yeah I want to try it! (Drinks it) Yummy in my tummy!
Diedara: I want some! I want some!
Tom: Sure here you go!
Diedara: Wow this is really good I want some more!
Tom: Ok that was a free sample now if you want more you have to pay me a sickle!
Tobi: What's a skittle?
Tom: Not a skittle a sickle and it is wizard currency!
Diedara: How do you access this wizard currency?
Tom: You have to get a job!
Tobi: Can I work for you?
Diedara: Yeah!
Tom: Sure all you have to do is clean the tables!
Tobi: Uh how do you do that?
Tom: Fine you can just pass out flyers!
Tobi: Okay! (Tobi goes outside the store into the muggle part and starts to give everyone in sight)
Random Muggle: Hey can I have your mask?
Tobi: No ways go get your own!
Random Muggle: Fine give, me that flyer!
(Back in the Leaky Cauldron)
Tom: Tobi how did you get rid of all those flyers so fast?
Tobi: Some random person made me give them all to them so they could make paper machsue Sculpture?
Diedara: Really where are they now?
Tobi: When I left they were working on their sculpture!
Diedara: I am so going there!
Tobi: Bye Diedara!
(Two minutes later: Diedara comes back)
Diedara: That was a kindergartener and when I went up to help him his mom started to beat me up.
Tobi: Ha Diedara got beat up by a girl!
Diedara: Be quiet Tobi
Tom: Ha!
Diedara: Stop laughing at me! (He explodes Tom)
Tobi: Uh I won't laugh at you any more!
Diedara: I thought so!
Tobi: How are we going to make money now!
Diedara: I don't know lets go to diegon alley!
Tobi: Tobi's a good boy!
Diedara: We all now that already!
Tobi: Not everyone now's that!
(They walk towards the entrance to Diegon Alley)

Chapter 4: The Greenhouse!
Zestu-San: Hey you guys is this a dream?
Itachi: I don't think so because I never dream about you.
Kisame: Yeah me to! I think we are just in a greenhouse.
Ron: See Harry I told you can be black and white at the same time!
Harry: Whatever!  Who is that anyway?
Professor Sprout: All you have to do is poke the pods until the puss comes out!
Neville: Excuse me Professor Sprout but can I have another plant?
Professor Sprout: Yes of course Neville (Grabs Zestu-San)
Zestu-San: Excuse me!
Professor Sprout: Sorry I thought you where a plant!
Zestu-San: That's okay everyone says that!
(Zestu-San and Professor Sprout have a boring talk about plants I'm being nice so you don't have to read it)
Ron: Harry I dare you to touch that fish!
Harry: No its talking I don't want to touch a talking fish!
Kisame: Hey are you talking about me?
Harry: No our friend has a talking fish!
Itachi: how do you get a talking fish?
Ron: I don't know ask Hermonie.
Itachi: Yeah where is she
Ron: I honestly have no idea!
Itachi: …
Kisame: Why does nobody ever what to talk to me!
Ron: Hey it's a talking fish! Run away!
Kisame: Why does that always happen?
Itachi: Totally

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