Sunday, March 06, 2016

Sunday funday

Today  i was alive. I am kind of glad i came out of my bubble. I feel like this semester wouldn't be as fun if i haven't.  We played a cool game, watched guy on a buffalo, honey badgers. It was pretty cool. my roommate made a weird sound. I like burning but i don't think my roommate does. Once upon a time comes out today. I don't know what it is about I've only watched a few of them. So i don't know.  These potatoes shrunk. There kiwis.  Than she said i'll go sit on your bed. Oh boy. Someone called me a scamp. There is. Lot of spelling errors in this but who cares.   Kaden
 talked about this movie when he came over to watch a movie.  Eric came over to but he left almost halfway through.  You don't know who these people are most likely.  You probably never will unless you do, than good for you BooBoo.  You do You BOOBOO.  I don't know what Boo Boo means but people kept saying that.   Oh I got confused, I should sleep, I didn't realize that there was more text at the bottom of the post. I ate a potato at 1 am.  You get the same thing twice man.  My breath smells bad, I need to brush my teeth.  I'm confused because I took a shower earlier today but I usually take a shower before I go to sleep.  Should I take another shower.  I wonder if you can die from taking to many showers?? I learned today that you can die if you don't sleep for a long time.  The longest I went without sleep was 2 days.  That was just because I felt like I could do it.  I was bored all I did was watch random movies all night.  I had to stay up all night to take a medical exam.  THan I had to work for 8 hours, even though I asked for that day off 1 month in advance.  Kaden talked about this when he came over to watch a movie.  Than we actually did something that I suggested, which is weird.   No one ever listens to me, weeeell probably because I never talk about anything.  I normally say we should watch batman.  I am trying to be more myself and not talk exclusively like batman anymore. I don't know I don't always make the best choices but each day is a new day and I can always do better tomorrow.  My inspirational quote is from my favorite novel.  Just DUct Tape man, it is amazing I am not sure if I would worship it.  I might if I lived on Mars and haven't talked to anyone in months. I added a picture of someone who is really excited about Kool-aid.  I don't understand why kool aid is so exciting all it is Citric Acid apparently.  I looked up the ingredients because Google exists and I can do whatever I want.  Oh yeah I looked up my blog on my I-pad and that baby in a watermelon was right side up, I don't really understand how that works.  But You Do YOu HTML-oo
Look at that smile ~ / PJ
Very important talent/ Ross
Someone asked me what my celebrity crush was and it is between PJ and Ross O'Donovan. Gifs provided.   They are both artists maybe I have a type of guy that I like haha.  I need to find more artists, I'll just hand out at the art museum in Chicago.  I will take the train all the time now! 

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