Tuesday, May 31, 2016


1) When is your birthday? (You don't have to include the year if you don't want to.)
October 6th

2) What are 3 of your favorite colors?
Purple, Blue and Green 

3) What are your 3 favorites quotes?
  1. Frodo: What are we holding onto, Sam?  Sam: That there's some good in this world, Mr. Frodo... and it's worth fighting for.
  2. All that glitters is not gold.
  3. Come what may and love it. 

4) Are you addicted to YouTube?
Psh... no.... *wipes liar's sweat off of palms*

5) What are 3 of your favorite shows on TV or YouTube or both?
Lost, Wheezywaiter,  Avatar

6) What are 3 qualities you like in a best friend?
Blunt, forgiving, and Not afraid to say things

7) Do you like your name? 

8) If you have the choice to pick your own name, what will it be?
Butthead Mcgee

9) What is your fantasy dream?
To do whatever I want without precaution10) Do you wear makeup?
Muh, when I feel like it. 

11) If you could write a book, what would the title be and what would it be about?
Oh I'm not going to use the one I am working on that is to easy.  Lord of the Harry Rings, and it is a crossover of Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings.

12) What makes you cry?
When people die

13) What makes you angry?
When I see dead animals, like turtles being totally mutilated
When people lie 

14) What makes you happy?

15) What is "Fangirling?"
When you like something to much and are a.. girl

16) What are your 3 favorites snacks?
Yogurt, Toast, and smoothies

17) What are your 3 favorite foods?
Jambalaya, Pizza and Pomegranates18) What are your 3 favorite drinks?
Pomegranate Blueberry Juice, Water, Water

19) Can you tell us a little about yourself?
I am me. 

20) What are 10 random facts about you?
  1. One time I ate a 10 year old candy when no one told me to eat it
  2. I don't like Brussel SProuts 
  3. or Artichokes
  4. I once ate a ton of french toast in a single sitting
  5. I used to imagine that I had a million dogs
  6. I catched grasshoppers as a child
  7. I lost a tooth in oatmeal
  8. I went to a party and left as soon as I got there
  9. I enjoy getting lost
  10. I do not like using internet in the car

21) What are your 3 fun things to do?
  1. Play Video Games
  2. Study
  3. Nature in general, walking, planting blah blah
Lazy blog
Yeah I hope you lovelies have a great day and maybe learned something about me? 

Monday, May 30, 2016


this one not the one from avengers, but I like him to he is russian and dead
Today was a good day dudes.  I did a lot of stuff, I saw X Men Apocalypse.  I liked the characters a lot in this film.  Oh yeah spoilers watch out for them!  Wolverine didn't have a lot of screen time.  Wait why am I watching so many movies this year?  I hate going to the movie theater, is my medicine helping?!  I love quicksilver I liked the actor since I watched american horror story.  I don't much like that show I watched a few to test the waters but eh it isn't my cup of tea.  Hey I got an actor I liked out of it.  He had some good lines in this movie he is just pretty cool.  I realized that my book was inspired by X-men a lot.  So yeah that is pretty cool.  I am not a social person and I have never been.  I have no idea how to act in a social situation I either scream, be quiet or just don't care about anything.  There is a whole spectrum to that I just included the most prevalent ones.  I have no idea what to do on a date, a trip to the zoo, like go to the bathroom and say things about megaladons. Doesn't everyone like Megalodons, cause I'll talk about them with you if you feel like it :3
Okay, I hope you people have a good day.

AHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~ just just screaming because I wanted to!

Sunday, May 29, 2016


On the side of the road
That title I don't know man.  Yesterday's blog was so slapstick.  This week I want to work on a legit story or song and actually work on it to post next Sunday.  Not something I wrote and thought of in ten minutes.  Here is an attempt at a song I wrote in my car well singing it out loud.
Sometimes you talk 
to the one you love
one you love
sometimes they ignore you
sometimes they love you back 
A witch's house
Sometimes you see something
that you have never seen before
never seen before
It mystifies you and astound you
astounds you
it is impossible 
to describe it to anyone
describe it to anyone
who hasn't seen it before
but those who have seen it 
can understand you 
understand you
but those 
Idk I spent like 5 minutes looking, and I pick this one?
those people are 
few and far between
few and far between
cow because it is amazing, someone called me a cow in
high school well cause my friend said baka and someone
thought she said vaca which she didn't, like you so rude
connor, well I think it was connor? 
I found a encyclopedia at our church today, I have only read about 3 pages, and countless random passages.  There is a phrase abiogenesis, and biogenesis that I really want to do more research on.  Oh I learned that the great Chicago fire is technically a holocaust.  I always just thought that was dealing with WW2, I know I am ignorant.  This encyclopedia is from 1973 ish I think it will be some good light reading.  I am listening to Eragon on CD right now I am half heartedly trying to keep up in the book.  I am currently on the 2nd CD on the 16th section.  I hope you like my song if you don't I don't care I want every Sunday to have something creative in it sorry if I skip a few.  Oh by the way I got over 20 views from Russia today, wonderful :) Oh the title mean My Little Pony Friendship is Magic, I was watching that today and I was like what is my cutie mark?  So lame I know, but hey I like that show.  I seriously had a deep thinking session because of My Little pony, okay cool bye.  hope you guys have a great day.
*UPDATE* cold touch of bread
I am actually listening to Brisingr and not Eragon but hey that is an honest mistake. I am on the 3rd CD and the 1st section woo!

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Fifteen you are the only thing that I have.

I just like fifteen. Today i finally did something I procrastinated.  Yay much success!!!  Good night you lolly lockers.

Friday, May 27, 2016

2100 on friday night

I think this is a cemetery in Ireland but idk I like cemeteries
Hey guys I am probably going to bed right after this.  I know I'm old, going to bed at 9 on a friday night but ah it my life. I wrote a review on the last Hunger Games movie but my computer deleted it!  Argh, whatever.  So Hunger Games man, it is part of the fad right now of teenagers in a apocalypse.  My idea is about an apocalypse to, but it isn't a teenager in fact they are almost 10 times that of a teenager.  No, no it isn't vampires get your mind out of the dimly lit coffins. The ending of this movie is different from the book.  I assume you read the book, and I also don't want to spoil anything for you.  I liked the scene with ButterCup, it sort of summed up what they left out from the book.  Also I love the scene where Katniss and Peeta's child is hugging Peeta it is so cute.  It shows that they are good parents without explaining to much, which was pretty much the same as the book.  Finnick died, it is so sad! I love Annie she is a sweetie.  Finnick treats Peeta so gently because he has similar experience with Annie.  I think Katniss falls in love with Peeta when he has the tracker jacker venom in him.  You know that adage, you don't know what you have until you lose it.  Peeta tells her he wants her to die and she is like no no NO NO NO.  You know it is pretty great dude.  Today I did a lot of work, but I didn't move a lot which is not a good idea.  You should move around at least once an hour, or go for a walk around your neighborhood at least 2 times a day.  Argh, that is what I am used to and I feel pain in my back, feet and neck.  Ah man I won't complain I hope you guys have a good day dudes AND MY EOS IS NOT A MOUSE.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Fanfiction ch. 1

*Fanfiction I wrote, from random names dude. 
Dan from Dan is not on fire stopped down and picked up a strange red object.
"What is this?" Dan said is a strange voice.
"That's yarny man" Said a man holding his hand out in a very friendly manner.
"Hey, take off the mask" Dan said not recognizing the man because of a simple white mask with a whip of hair sticking out.
"No thank you friend I keep this on at all times." Cry said adjusting his mask.
"Okay I going to my couch and browsing through tumblr all day." Dan said hulking to his front room.
Phil came in and crashed into Cry, "I am sorry mate" Phil said holding his hand out steadying himself.
Cry laughed that sweet laugh.
"Hey friend, it is okay." He said ruffling his hair.
"Oh your cry, I love your videos!"
"Yeah thanks friend, I'll see you later," Cry said jumping out of the window.
Cry jumped onto the street just 20 stories down.
Where he met Ian.
"Oh hi friend," Cry said to Ian
Ian karate chops Cry and calls the KGB, because they are in Russia.
Ian was overwhelmed with how many people he had karate chopped today.  Cry was the last for the day, he couldn't handle it anymore.  So he decided to take a break to drink some chocolate with Sir Ian Mckellen.  They got along well because they both had the same name.
"Ah, hello Ian I hope you had a great day today!" Ian said in a laid back way.
"Yeah, it was pretty great." He said just noticing a person he didn't want to see.
"Hey Guys how is it going!?" Adam Sandler said prancing into the chocolate store.
"Uh, I'm not here," Ian said hiding his face behind his menu.
"Yeah me to" said younger less attractive Ian.
"Oh man, I guess I will just go spend my 1 million dollars elsewhere."
Both Ians both look up at the same time and say in unison "Wait, I am here Adam!"
"Oh, now I can see you guys!" adam said brightly.  "Upside is whatever you buy I have to take half."
"I guess a horse it out" Older Ian said.
Ian Somerhalder randomly died from an asteroid.  Emilie came out of nowhere and said "Good thing you had your dessert first!"
"Yes indeed he did."
Cry escaped from the KGB and was scaling the building they were in. "Just like a video game, I am so cool" Cry said to himself as a small child was staring at him with a high tech cell phone in hand.
Cry talked to the young child on their high tech phone.  They made a deal that if the child could be in one of Cry's movies then he wouldn't tell the KGB he escaped from their establishment.  So they went back to Cry's house in Florida.  Which wasn't to far so the kid was alright.  They played Ori and the Blind Forest together both adding commentary here and there.
"Okay kid the movie is up," Cry said after uploading the movie that was about 1 hour long.
"Whatever," the kid said with his nose in his phone and walking out the door.
"Hey kid don't you want a ride home?" Cry said grabbing his keys to his car.
"No, I can walk."
Cry didn't go back to the KGB and lived happily ever after.

*I don't want to continue this cause I am bored of this story.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Hoi I'm Bob

Hello Pole!
I think I am getting a routine down, I don't waste as much time now.  I sometimes just want to lie on the ground and watch a movie on my iphone, so I will.  No one is judging me, oh no maybe now you will judge me ah well.  You know I am like who reads this blog anyway I can miss a day or two.  However I haven't got 0 views in a while.  So I guess people are still interested, I got a view in Latvia I don't even know where that is on a map.  I know where it is just, I am not good at geography.  I will never be a cartographer.  However I can't count how many times I got lost somewhere and found my way back with ease.  My tip is to wander like crazy, you'll find something you recognize eventually.  Okay so I watched Source Code(2011) and Inception(2010) within the past 2 days.  Spoilers if you haven't seen those which I don't understand go watch them.  Okay so Inception focuses on dreams, while Source Code focuses on regaining a different life through a supposedly mathematical program. Chyna is not a man.  I just think that those movies have a similar message and I actually cried at the end of source code.  I keep skipping through Weezy Waiter, and I don't hate it.  He is a cool dude.  I hope you peeps have a good day.
I didn't complete my thought on the two movies, but ah no one cares.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Research Paper on Internet Addiction

Just rehashing an old research paper from my other blog, maybe you guys want to read it, idk.  You don't have to I am watching Inception right now I will write a review tomorrow.  Okay guys I hope you have a great day.
Research Paper
Sally is staring at snow piling on her lawn outside of her window.  She can hear the television in the background declaring what she was hoping for; that school has been cancelled for the day.  She checked her Facebook to see what all of her friends are going to do, it turns out that all of them have already made plans and somehow forgot to invite her to come along.  Before she knows it she starts to play various online games and it seems as if her entire day has slipped through her fingers.  Now imagine this happening to you every single day.  Anyone can have internet addiction, but people who are experiencing loneliness, depression; A.D.H.D [attention deficit hyperactive disorder], etc., are more likely to experience it.  This is a very recent problem and it hasn’t been listed in the DSM, but they plan to put it in the newest edition.  If someone experiences internet addiction they should seek for help from other people. Internet addiction is something that must be prevented from a young age and if not then it should be controlled with certain methods.
            Most of the things that we do on the internet, such as gaming, release dopamine into our brains pleasure center, thus making obsessive pleasure seeking behaviors.  Internet companies use this fact to exploit their customers, so that they can make more profit [6].  Thus resulting I games on Facebook such as Farmville, Cafe World, Words with Friends, etc., and advertisements on gaming sites personalized to you.  This makes it hard to leave the site because you need to level up to get to your next bonus.
When someone you are close to, or even if you are addicted to the internet can make your life hard to live.  When you know someone with it you should be willing to help them out and not just shrug it off like it is nothing, like it doesn't even matter to you.    In order to get over the addiction you need to tackle the things that are causing your addictions.   We should be learning from a young age the negative effects that the internet can have on you, and that the internet should be used for your benefit. 
Addiction to the internet isn't like the addictions that you usually hear about, such as alcohol and drugs; it is a behavioral disorder and is most common with people who have compulsive tendencies.  This addiction is newer, because the internet has only been around for 30 years which is far shorter than any other kind of well-known addiction.
Gaming sights can be appealing because they can receive achievements, such as leveling up, defeating monsters, gaining skill levels, they may feel that their achievements in the game are more important than their achievements in real life.  Another reason why some people like the internet more than real life because it is easier for them to make friends, it is risk free and you don’t have to think about the real person  but only of their avatar, profile picture.  This could be a good thing, making it easier for shy people to get used to talking to people; so that when they meet real people they will know how to handle the situation.  This can also be a bad thing because it causes people to spend too much time playing games instead of interacting with people in real life. 
One of the main causes of having internet addiction is loneliness, and someone can be lonely even if you have a lot of friends; it is a state of mind.  Anyone can get help from someone they love or a therapist, they will be willing to help you.   When someone is addicted to the internet they may experience negative emotions when they don’t have the internet accessible to them.  If addiction is causing someone to neglect their relationships with the people who they are close to, then you should try your best to prevent it every way possible to quick the addiction.
Getting over internet addiction by yourself is not an easy task, because you will set limits for yourself that don’t really help you, but make you happy for a short time.  Their needs to be someone who helps you set difficult goal and help you keep them by having them check on your progress routinely. The internet can be used for a lot of good things such as family history, teaching, charity, business, spreading your beliefs, being connected to the whole world, sharing your ideas, research, etc. Some people tend to be addicted to the bad parts of the internet instead of the parts that will actually help them, such as pornography, social sites, on-line gaming. 
Some of the most popular online games are World of Warcraft, Steam and Runescape.  World of Warcraft has 10.2 million subscriber’s [1], while Runescape has 200 million accounts and is in the Guinness World Records for being the world’s largest free MMORPG (Massive Multi Online Role Playing Game) [2], but a lot of these accounts could very well be mods or inactive.  Steam’s top games are Dota 2 with 73,647 players and Team Fortress 2 with 35,982 players. [3] With so many people playing these games the companies are gaining profit but the players are not gaining anything necessarily from these games. 
There are some people who make a living of playing video games and posting their commentary of them onto YouTube.  Some of my favorite YouTube gaming channels are Pewdiepie and ChaoticMonki, a.ka. Cryotic, who are both very witty and fun to watch. Pewdiepie has 2,944,353 subscribers and is the 11 most subscribed person on YouTube, and is gaining 13,000 per day [4], this is his full time job and he makes his living off of it.  ChaoticMonki has 292,307 subscribers and is gaining around 2,000 per day [5] and posting YouTube videos is also his full time job.  Even though some people can manage playing video games into a job, means that video games aren’t all that bad they serve a purpose but we shouldn't get addicted to them because there are far greater things in life. 
  A good way to get over this addiction is to do something that is productive, for example if you are addicted to video games; it is not very hard to find out how to make them.  Try going to your local library and finding books on how to make games and finding someone in school who is an expert in making video games.  All you need is to be patient because it isn't easy and you won’t make a masterpiece the first time that you try. If you keep making video games, and perfecting your idea, you can find a job in that field. 
Addictions to anything mean that you are dependent of that object.   Spending a whole day playing video games means, that you are addicted, not necessarily if you don’t really do that all the time, it could just be that was the only day you could do that and you never get to play video games on a regular basis.  However, if you find it hard to keep up with your responsibilities because you feel that you need to beat another level than that could be a problem.  If you need to play a certain video game to be happy, if that is the only thing that can make you happy, than this may mean that you are addicted.
You should never diagnose others or yourself with mental illness, and Internet addiction is a part of this and if you know someone that exhibits these traits, don’t just say their addicted, you should talk to them and tell your concerns; let them know that you care about them, don’t ignore them.   You have probably heard someone say that they will finish playing a game in an hour, but in reality they don’t finish for another couple of hours.  Not everyone is the same; everyone deals with addiction in different ways and needs to be helped in different means.  Curing internet addiction starts with you wanting to, not because someone is telling you to. 
            Internet addiction is a very new disorder and hasn’t even been put into the DSM [Diagnostic and Statistical Manuel or Mental Disorders [7]] yet, it is classified as a behavioral addiction.  There are several ways to cure it, such as going to a therapist or having someone helps you set goals and monitor what you do on the internet, or using your time in a more timely matter.  It is also a good idea to start with small step and gradually get to even bigger steps.  The internet can be used both for good things and bad things.  Internet addiction is something that must be prevented from a young age and if not then it should be controlled with certain methods.
 [7] "American Psychiatric Association DSM-5 Development." Home. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Nov. 2012. <http://www.dsm5.org/Pages/Default.aspx>.
"Brigham Young University - Idaho." Brigham Young University - Idaho. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Nov. 2012. <http://ssc.sagepub.com.byui.idm.oclc.org/content/30/4/403.full.pdf html>.
[5] “ChaoticMonki.” Vidstatsx. 29 Nov. 2012. <http://vidstatsx.com/ChaoticMonki/youtube-channel>.
[6] "Exploiting the Neuroscience of Internet Addiction." The Atlantic. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Nov. 2012. <http://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2012/07/exploiting-the-neuroscience-of-internet-addiction/259820/>.
Impact of Internet Literacy, Internet Addiction, Symptoms, and Internet Activities on Academic Performance. Sagepub. 29 Nov. 2012.
“Internet Adiction: Symptoms, Evaluation, and Treatment.” netaddiction. 29 Nov. 2012
[4] "Pewdiepie." Vidstatsx. 29 Nov. 2012. <http://vidstatsx.com/PewDiePie/youtube-channel>.
[2] "Runescape." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 26 Nov. 2012. Web. 29 Nov. 2012. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RuneScape>.
[3] "Steam: Game and Player Statistics." Steam: Game and Player Statistics. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Nov. 2012. <http://store.steampowered.com/stats/>."World of Warcraft Subscriber Numbers Dip 100,000 to 10.2 Million." WoW Insider. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Nov.12. <http://wow.joystiq.com/2012/02/09/world-of-warcraft-subscriber-numbers/>.

Monday, May 23, 2016

Mulan x 2

I have been working since I woke up today.  Well I don't know if I would call it working, I got over 10,000 steps.  I was productive to say the least.  I went to the park and watched Mulan twice with my niece.  I got some tacos, carrots, and grapes.  It was pretty cool and delicious dudes.  I draw these pictures and I share them because I don't spend a lot of time on them.  I am more anxious to share pictures when I spend over an hour drawing because I put more soul into it.  I see other peoples drawings, and I am like that is so good!  Than I am like wait they probably spent longer than 10 minutes drawing that.  I want to see someone who is good at drawing draw something in 10 minutes or shorter.  I probably still feel like I am not good at drawing.  However even when I draw something quickly I am pleased with it.  If I like it enough I will colour it and shade it so it looks better.  Maybe even ink it so the lines are more fluid.  Okay I hope you guys have a great day today.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

C la dispute

 YEEP I have notes on the side, but idk if you can read 
those dude. Basically guy breaks into guy's house, wants 
tacos, and other guy eats a taco to antagonize him so he 
leaves. Than the sun burns him. Added random shading 
later because why not.  I randomly changed the style of 
my drawings throughout this comic.  This caption is way 
to long to be a caption.  
Andrea Baker ~5/22/16
I woke up in the middle of the night because I wanted to listen to this song.  I haven't in the slightest why, but I couldn't find it.  I found it this morning though because I listened to spotify.  So I wrote a story inspired by it.
Going on a road trip always something I would rather not do.  However my hometown of Michigan called for me. So softly, I could barely hear it.  When I heard it I knew that I had to go.  When I heard it I heard a scream of someone who was in pain.  Pain that seemed to be building up for a long time and left out in a single note that for some reason I was not aware.  I took my friend with me on this reluctant road trip to Michigan.  I couldn't even crash if I wanted to.  We stopped at a gas station just outside a busy highway grabbing the things I never got as a child.  Packs of cheese and crackers.  Which seemed all to small but enough to satisfy my craving.  Hours after getting our snack my stomach grumbles again.  I change lanes without realizing what I was doing.  I go to a chain restaurant through drive through.  I get two of everything.  We ate it without a word.  A couple of hours later we made it to the small town in Michigan.  I stayed in the car as my friend went to find the person or thing in Pain.

I have recently got obsessed with drawing trash cans.???

Saturday, May 21, 2016


I tried to draw from my imagination...?
Hi guys, yesterday's post was kind of short.  May 20th is always an off day for me, just know that dudes. I know that, today was a good day.  I slept in super late today 10 am... so late. I never sleep in late, not even when I stay up all night.  I didn't do that much this week because I felt sick all week.  You know, I want to learn how to do things even if I feel sick.  I just really need to work on it.  I mean I am still going to live if I lay on bed so I lay on bed.  I need to stop doing that, I won't live if I just lay in bed all day.  I mean I will I could always find a job online or something.  However that is no way to live.  I don't know.  I went to my nephews birthday party it was super fun.  Well, it was more fun for the kids.  I was transfixed by the water flowing down the driveway.  It bubbled all together and was working down the little creek.  Some of the water had to decide which creek to go down, and it was all flowing down.  I just think water is really cool, and I have no idea if I depicted it correctly. I just think that something that is so simple has so much power.  It is cool man.  I hope you lovely people have a good day. Oh man my nephew is getting bigger and I am like no stay small.  He is so cute :3

Friday, May 20, 2016

Temple Dayh

I went to the temple today, guess which one?!  It was fun I am tired so this blog will be short.  I went to the forest preserve and drew a picture.  This post shall age so it doesn't matter to much. So anyway here is my glorious photo. I made it extra large cause hey its my blog.  I hope you lovely people have a great day!

Thursday, May 19, 2016


Preview of meh book
“Hey, do you have the time?” said a man that I didn’t recognize that was sat next to me on the train. 
“Yeah, it’s 3:30 am.”
“Thanks,” the man said looking at me more carefully, “You know I don’t think I have seen you before what is your name?”
“Oh, I am Ingram, and your name is?”
“Oh, you’re that guy!” The man said smacking his head.
“Um, I’m sorry I don’t know what you mean.” I said as I noticed that the rate of people whispering increased exponentially.   I felt very uncomfortable because I felt very many eyes staring at me.
Maybe this short snippet will give you a clue on what it is about or maybe it wont hehe. 

Its first words
Once there was a baby, he was just at the age where he was learning to walk and talk.   This baby’s parents’ names were Charlie and Angie. They decided to call the baby Ingram Terrance.  However, Ingram never quite learned to say his name actually Ingram’s first work was it.  Now whenever the parents would tell someone want little Ingram’s first word was, the person would say, “where did he hear that?”  Then Charlie would say, “I remember one time when my mom came over to see Ingram for the first time she called him it a lot.”  Angie would butt in and say, “I told her not to but she thought it was funny because I.T. is his initials.”  Then Charlie added, “Ingram spends a lot of time with his grandma whenever she comes over.”  Then whoever asked them the question would say bye and leave rather quickly. 
 I was sitting in my backyard thinking of my life in general and how I came to be who I am.  My thoughts took me to my childhood, when I moved into this house when I was only three months old.  I remember it like it was yesterday.  I was sleeping when I got dropped off by my dad, I could hear faint noises crowding around me.  When I woke up I was in a bed.  I saw a strange article lying on the floor.  I crawled out of bed and picked up this strange article.
            I examined it and looked at it in every angle possible.  This thing felt hard it tasted like nothing I ever tasted before, and it looked like a huge building block.  I thought it was type of food, but it couldn’t have been because it wouldn’t be sitting on the floor.  I saw Fred watching me, I brought the strange article up to him and he took it with one swipe.  Fred started to talk, while looking at the article.  I was confused.  Fred came down to me and showed me the thing.  He told me that it was a book that you read out of.  In a baby sort of talk, as though he thought I couldn’t understand him.
            I looked at him and held out my hand “Can I have it back?”
Fred was just sitting there with his mouth open.  “Jeez can’t I just have it back?”
Fred went to sleep with his mouth open still.  “I guess I just go find Sonya!”
“SONYA!”  I yelled.  I saw Sonya in the running franticly with a broomstick screaming “Who’s there!”  I yelled back “It’s me Ingram!”  Sonya dropped the broom and stared off into the distance. 
“Sonya!  Fred’s down!”  I yelled in her direction.

This makes me laugh I wrote it a long, long time ago. In a place that isn't to far from where I live now, just a couple miles. The parents names change because he was in foster care you know.  Sally is supposed to be his sister but maybe not in this universe.  I think she was still an alien.  All the names mentioned in this story were my bird's names but two, have fun guessing which ones! Hint the more bizarre names.  This is a lazy post, just rehashing old things I wrote but I was reading them today so there! this one a bit earlier than normal but who is counting. Okay i didn't say anything about the title at all in this post, but honestly it does make sense, trust me.  Ingram was an arsonist at the birth of the character and still is today, well sorta.  Is fire a natural occurrence?   Have a wonderful day lovelies'. 

Wednesday, May 18, 2016


Hey guys do you ever wonder why there are so many people putting things out into the world.  You know that the likelihood of someone seeing it is next to none.  However that is the only way that you will ever get anywhere.  You have to put things out into the world.  I know my titles of my posts are uncreative but hey I'm not trying.  I don't want to have a clickbait title.  THat ant is back I have to kill it so it doesn't multiply.  It is going on the ceiling, wait wait it is like nah.  I woke up and the ant was on my foot.  How many ants are in my room? Why are people more afraid of spiders than ants.  Why aren't ants something to  be afraid of.  They are probably as common as spiders? Even more common.  I guess it is like being afraid of pomeranians. Idk what I am talking about you peeps have a cool day bro.  I just scroll through my pictures and stop randomly, that is what I use for my blog.  I think this one was in New Mexico? Hey do any of you guys dress in drag and do the hula?

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

down with the donuts

Down with the donuts
I have been pretty lethargic lately.  I fell asleep listening to Markiplier's voice, dude he is going to make a great dad.  He just has to sing a sweet melody and his kids will fall asleep.  Yeah, I know he isn't going to get married.  You know but he will get married one day and maybe play video games with his kids.  No, he will definitely play videos games with his kids well only if they want to.  I don't think he would force his kids to do things he wants.  Markiplier is just a cool dude okay.  I totally didn't pay attention to his new playthrough though I was sleeping.  Sorry Markimoo.  Why I am just talking about markiplier.  I thought I broke my phone this morning, but I didn't.  I even made the journey to McHenry to go the AT&T store.  I got lost, I waited around walmart for 10 minutes, I made a scene at BestBuy, and I left a salesperson mid sentence.  Yeah, good day.  I am glad I don't have a job right now(liar!).  I need to figure out how to feel better.  Maybe I am lethargic because I have had so much sugar lately.  I know what you eat directly correlates how you feel.  I need to learn how to eat a lot better.  I hope you lovely people have a good day.  Oh thank you for the comments it makes my day.  I was checking my blog as someone posted a comment so I commented back a minute later, don't be weirded out by that kay.  Muh  I love you *in a sense that is normal, only if you agree that donuts should be stopped.
 Hey guys would you like a review of all the  products I got at the Gluten free expo? I posted this  at 7:07 apparently that is bad luck, oh no  something bad gonna happen!  Seriously how do I  have over 80 posts and over 1900 views on this  blog.  I been doing this for 3 months! Woo geez!  I  just do what I do.  AH I hope you guys like it.  I  left my famous kebab kaboom video I spent 2  hours filming this.  You can hear my commentary  in the background.  I was HR so I wanted to make  videos on how to make the sauce because Hector said that people were making it wrong.  I didn't know to film horizontally and not vertically dont hate me!

Monday, May 16, 2016

Hi People of Earth

How is you doing?  You know what is cool, when you hook up a monitor it shows a different picture on each monitor.  Also every time it changes only 1 monitor changes, I think that is kind of cool.  You don't okay bye bye.  Hey anyone has any good movies to watch? I want to try watching something 1 time a day for a year.  Maybe something short if you guys have any suggestions please tell me.  I was thinking a short animation.  Why is there so much minecraft when I looked up animation?  Idk I do like minecraft though.  I wish it was gamepad compatible. 1 - how to be original 2- colour bandits 3 - my spaceship. Okay so I am leaving it up to you which one would you want me to watch every day for a year? I want to draw more pictures.  You just have to click the more button.  I just thought the 3 movies would be annoying.  Wow, look at my drawing I made myself draw in a very short time.  I didn't erase anything.  So I drew based off a simple google search.  Benedict Cumberbatch, yellow, blue green, headphones and cereal. CaptionBot said it is a picture of a whiteboard.  I did my picture of my whiteboard and it thought it was a microwave and a refrigerator.  KAY! >::/   I don't think there is any reason to get upset over money.  I mean it is just money, but if you lose 900 dollars and no will help you.  Not even the police than it is okay to be upset.  However when you know that you could of done something about it makes you feel guilty.  However you know it is cool dog.  I just want there to be people that don't feel the need to steal things and worry about money that much.   Hm, I hope you lovely people have a great day today. I have a super power where I turn into worms on midnight.  I just sleep so I never really understood the point.  I just lie in my bed, it gets awkward when someone tries to wake me up.  They throw the blanket off of me and they are like where she go dude?

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Undertale Part 1

There was a major catastrophe in the general vicinity of a unloving couple. "I hope you die, I hope we both die."   The young man said to his supposedly wife.  The young women who had flowing blond hair whipping in the wind, she said "How dare you!" smacking him across the face.  He took her unloving hand and pointed to the catastrophe that was coming their way.  "I think our death will come sooner than you think!"  He said with a tornado funnel coming closer and closer with each passing seconds, moments.  "We need to get to the bunker!" THe women said, "Now why do you have a razor?"  The man was holding a razor in his hands which wasn't previously there. "I hope I cut my shaving, and it bleeds all day." The women slapped her forehead and ran into their bunker, which had a 72 hour kit.  She climbed down the ladder and sat down on one of the two small chairs that were in there.  The man followed her to the bottom of the bunker.  THey sat in the bunker until their food rations were gone and the man was going crazy.  They breached the surface and the tornado was gone completely.  They walked outside thus rendering them vulnerable to the elements.  The women got swept up in a tidal wave while the man who had a bright smile held onto the post of their front porch.  Eventually it gave out and they both died.  The town was completely covered in water.  The world had ended and is dominated by mountain goats.
I will do more undertale playthrough, I am not going to edit it.  That is why it has taken me so long to do it, because I don't want to edit.  So I am just going to make a playthrough with no editing, and just do a little bit at a time.  I will most likely only play 10 minutes each episode.  My phone uploads straight to youtube convient! Oh I might just do story and skip out the grinding.  I seen how this goes and I am thinking there will be grinding to be done. Okay cool bro.  That story was inspired by a song.  okay guys I use sarcasm somethings so if you're taking something to seriously from this blog it is most likely sarcasm.   Like where I said if you touch a dead animal you get AIDS, I don't really think that.  I just was going off on that because someone said that to me a long time ago.  Okay I hope you guys have a great day.

Saturday, May 14, 2016

GF & AF expo schaumburg

Cool look at this photo, I went to a gluten free expo.  This is all the food that I got there.  It's pretty great.  I spent a lot of time with my mom today.  Which was good because I got to get twice as much things at the expo.  I finally got my Bibimbap which is like the best thing ever.  Go try it, like seriously.  It is cool if you don't want to try it.  I have a question for you readers what do you do for fun?  I want to know.  I wonder if the people who read this from random reaches of the internet actually follow it or are turned off by it.  I don't really know what my outlet is.  I want to do more creative things, than just talk about my life.  However I don't know if anyone will read that.  Than again I don't really care if people read it I care more what people think honestly.  I might do a review on some of the products I got at the expo if anyone is interested in that. I feel like I am putting less effort into this blog, but it seems more of my routine than anything.   I hope you lovely people have a great day!

Friday, May 13, 2016

Captain Deadpool

me and my niece at the library
Hmm that title actually works because he did say that in the movie.  Wade Wilson that is of course.  I watched Deadpool last night on vidangel.  I blocked out all the swear words and all the nude scenes.  It seemed as though every fifth word was a swear word.  I probably won't watch it again because it was so disconcerting with all the words that were blocked out.  I would watch it again if someone wanted to watch it with me, but no by myself.  There was one scene with Vanessa that was so confusing, I didn't understand what was going on at all.  That is the scene with the Ring Pop, you'll understand if you watched the movie.  Honestly you'll probably understand more than me if you watched it unedited.  It was still a really good movie, I recommend it if you're fine with R ratings, it is just kind of hard to follow with the filters.  I give this movie 6.7/10 Negasonic teenage Warheads.  It would get more points if I didn't have so many filters on it.  Hey what you going to do? I took my niece to the library today and we walked over to get ice cream. I am also going to watch Captain America tonight so I was going to add a review on that.  So that is why the title is Captain Deadpool, because I was trying to add the two titles together.  My first idea was Dead America and no, no I am not doing that as a title for one of my blogs. Captain America was really good, there was a lot of characters in it.  Seriously how is Aunt May getting younger, what's her secret? Obviously Spider Man is my favorite character.  I just loved him to death they gave him so much character if he only had a few minutes of screen time.  Which is absolutely wonderful.  I want him in other movies like seriously.  The theme of the movie was really interesting, so that is what happens when two superhero buddies have a fight.  A giant ant man, a friend hitting a friend, someone mindbending a A.I through 50 stories of cement?  Okay, yeah this movie was pretty great.  Oh in the trailers there was a movie with Lex Luthor (Jesse Eisenberg).  He was in the facebook movie, ah the game grumps man.   Okay so back on topic Captain America was really good, I actually like Iron Man in this one.  Him being my least favorite Avenger.  I want Loki back :'(  I give this movie 9/10 spidermans!
I hope you lovely people have a wonderful day!
-ANdrea signing off forever


Thursday, May 12, 2016

White Board!

I figured out how to hang my white board, it is currently on my closet.  Someone told me I don't complete my thoughts so I'll work on that I guess.  My mom used this whiteboard to teach seminary and I inherited it. I draw on it, I do math, I write my to do list.  I hang my library receipts on it.  I hang important notes on it.  I have an eraser that holds dry erase markers which is convenient!  Yeah I cropped the picture because I didn't want you seeing the rest of my room dude.  This whiteboard has been sitting on my floor for a long time.  I used a string of yarn and hung it on a hook meant for towels.  You know something just because something is used for one thing does not mean you can't use it for something else.  Just remember that, it might come in useful some day.  I know it has for me.  You're not always gonna have exactly what you need when you need it.
What's on my desk.
  • computer
  • monitor
  • 2 notepads
  • note cards
  • post-its
  • checks
  • library card
  • sign
  • headphone case
  • Lamp
  • pencil case
  • Pen case
  • canada flag
  • life saver case with pens
  • iPad
  • IPhone
  • eye drops
  • time thing with sand
  • 2 elastic bands
  • a metal case
  • bracelet
  • a leigh 
  • headphones

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Cake made to look like a face.

So yeah today I was alive and stuff.  I am pretty tired right now.  I am going to work on my D&D character.  I haven't played with my dice today.  I bought the tickets to the gluten free expo, the hours are 10-4.  I want to stay the whole day!  I am really excited you get a free goodie bag when you go to it.  Hey if any of my readers are going to that than come say hi to me and get all the free samples with me! It will be super fun!  Champagne is a weird word don't you think. I have to eat all of the pancakes in the world or else I will die.  WHy do pens smear when you wipe your hands all over them?  Well anything that has a bit of ink might do that so Idk.  I wanna draw something but I have no idea what to draw.  Someone tell me what to draw.  Give me something to draw.  A trash can okay.  I heard you, I hope you guys have a great day! I am making a movie for my plants I made the intro and credits so far and I will add the pictures once a week! Woo, you needed to know that.  Byakuran is a cutie fishie.  My nephew hit his head on my headphones I was wearing on my neck.  He is a few months old.  Okay so I put the picture I drew into captionbot by microsoft! So cool, how did they know I drew a cake with a face on it, it's like magic!  So I spent time drawing the picture instead of working on the blog.  You can see why I am not an artist.  I spent like 10-15 minutes drawing that.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016


Hey guys how it be going for you?  I hope it be going good. I'm tired so i thought i would write down my tired thoughts. Do birds ever seek solitude, does any animal directly violate their survival instincts?  I'm just curious i know humans do it but are we the only capable species to do that?  I had to carry around a toilet lid at Walmart this morning. I cleaned all the brown stuff off the toilet. I like to imagine it's pudding. Than i won't be grossed out. Byakuran's bowl is getting dirty luckily tomorrow is cleaning day!  I clean his bowl once a week. The jug has been moving around the trunk of my car. What if someone stole it and replaced it with drugs and frame me for a crime.  Oh no i'll let you guys know if I got the prison. Wait I don't know if they let you update your blog. Ill guess ill go on a hiatus.  I. Like biscuits   And jello.  Hey I am going to add more because I feel like I left you guys hanging with what I wrote earlier during my nap.  I can write while I am sleeping, yet I didn't do that.  If you guys want me to do that I will post my writings on here.  Wait, I don't know if I can do that only if there is conveniently a pen and paper in the my hands. Oh there is a gluten free convention where you get free food.  It costs $17, but I also want to watch Captain America on Friday.  I am more excited for spider man than anything.  He is my favorite man, within the marvel universe.  I feel like I could get into Deadpool but that movie is rated R. Whatever floats your boat guys, I won't judge you if you want to do the dance you want to do.
 Ah man, I'll just wait for it to come out on Vidangel, which is like netflix but it makes naughty movies not naughty.  Which I approve of, we watched a movie once.  That was cool.  One time I touched a dead raccoon, I wanted to take it home but I was afraid of getting AIDS.  When I was a kid, someone told me AIDS happened if you touched dead things.  So I didn't touch dead things.  Wait, I have touched some dead things in my life.  I'll leave that to your imagination what am I talking about?   I hope you fluffy people have a fluffy day.  L.  Have I told you guys that I like anime?  Hm, I remember when I was a small child my friend
hated it, and now she loves it.  That's puberty for you?  I guess I don't know.  I don't advise touching anything that is dead.  DOn't touch a dead fridge, moon, house, dinosaur, the Sun, L, Light, you know just don't touch anything.  There once was a ugly barnacle, he was so ugly that everyone died.  Then some weirdo came and touched everyone and contracted HIV and died.  Oh, I also like pokemon, but I am not going to buy a 3DS for it.  I could probably just get an emulator and play it on my laptop dudes and dudettes.  Okay have a good day, I hope you enjoyed my added content.  Oh man I hope no one read the short one and thought that was it for today and said you know what andrea isn't quality blogger I quit, I quit, I am going to touch dead animals.   Hey tell me what you have in your purses because I forgot to put that in my last blog.  I want to eat a pizza from Little caesars but I can't because I graduated college.  Is it because I graduated college that I can now eat nicer pizza's.  Well, honestly I like to eat homemade pizza way better than store bought, restaurant pizza.  Yet, gluten free pizza is harder to make than regular pizza, WHY IS LIFE SO HARD! I am just kidding it isn't that hard, it is just more difficult to find ingredients.  Oh, the expo said that they will have pizza there! I have no idea how that will work but cool story bro.  I will see you peeps tomorrow.  How many times have I said goodbye, my fingers have a mind of their own.  I wrote that as I am falling asleep.  that is how hardcore I am.  Only four misspelled words! 5 :(  Dude one time someone was asking for advice on dying there hair.  I said oh you can dye a LITTLe bit of your hair and if you don't like it you can CUT off that LITTLE bit of hair.  They got really mad at me.  I was like dude chill out, I don't care about my hair but it obvious you can't even phantom cutting out a little bit of hair.  I was leaving it to interpretation as well.  People either don't listen to me than say exactly what I said, or take me way to seriously when I was saying something with no real intent of anyone hearing what I said.