Saturday, April 30, 2016


You know otters have a favorite rock that they play with.  I know dolphins play with toys.  I mean so do humans, but seriously what is the survival tactic behind this mechanism?  Is it to relieve stress or something.  Also my views on my blog are going way down.  I don't really care but I do kind of pay attention.  I guess people aren't just interested anymore.  Whatever I am currently working on a cosplay as Yamamoto for ACEN. I am also building a character for Dungeons and Dragons. I am such an adult.  I am trying to cook things to, getting back into the swing of things.  Oh I'll add a link to where Byakuran comes from.  It is actually from the same anime as Yamamoto, Reborn!   I drew a picture of lambo first thing in the morning, why?  I was trying to entertain my niece because she was in my room.  I just took a random reborn manga and opened up to a page and that is what showed up.  I had a picture with my niece but it was all blurry.  So I'll add this photo.  It is beautiful isn't it?  Hey, do any of you guys have any knowledge on how to make a lamp post?  I really need to know.  I have not made that undertale video, I properly never will.  Uh, it was really bad quality when I did my stardew valley and I actually kind of likely making commentary.  Only if I figure out how to make the quality better.  Unless you guys don't care about the quality and just want me to commentate over undertale dude.  I hope you guys are having a good day, and that the camera will film you in the right angle.

Friday, April 29, 2016


Guess where this is~
I don't know what to write but I like this picture here
you go!  I don't know if I told you guys that I have been to all 50 states.  Some of them I haven't really been to.  All Alaska was, was staying in the airport because a volcano erupted.  The only way we got a seat on a plane was because someone didn't want to go on a plane without their friend, I thought that was stupid.  You gonna have to wait anyway.  Whatever, you do you random person.  I really want to go to Alaska.  That seems like a really cool place to visit.  I want to go to the space center.  I think that would be really awesome to see a space shuttle take off.  I just ahh, that would be a really interesting thing to see in real life.  Than again I probably wouldn't like it because I hate loud noises more than anything.  Oh, when we went to Seattle I just stayed in the airport for hours, I entertained myself by using those walkway things.  I got a really good exercise that day.  I kept myself entertained.  One time we waited for a flight so long we had breakfast, lunch and dinner.  One time my roommate woke me up because it was "raining".  It was seriously a light mist.  Seriously don't wake me up for a light mist, I need my sleep girl.  Someone once said I have terrets, I don't okay!  Or maybe I do, probably not.  Oh my blog yesterday was named Ice Cream and Gushers but I never explained why.  My mom got us when I was done babysitting, and we went to McDonald's to get Ice Cream.  However we went to Aldi's before that so we got raisins & gushers.   When the kids were done with their ice cream they got gushers.  Well I ate some to, it just made me laugh because it is like a desert with desert.  Grandma's coming that means we get desert desert!  Oh yeah that undertale video will be up soon, I kind of forgot about.  I will starting from the beginning of the evil route if that is okay with you guys, I might not edit it as much.  

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Ice Cream & Gushers

Idk where this is even!
So today was a chill day, I feel like I did more today than I did yesterday.  I went to my sister's house and helped babysit, however I don't know if I did much.  It's weird being an aunt because you have to be an adult and can't act childish anymore.  I went to the pet store to get a fish toy.  However I don't know if fish play with toys.  I wanted something so he could have something to swim into.  To have something fun in his little aquarium.  However they cost to much, I didn't even know how byakuran would react oh I know he would open his mouth and flap his fins, greeeat.  Show some appreciation buddy.  He isn't even eating his food :'(  Ah, no.   I am not writing much because I am not inspired to write a lot today.  Kay bye I hope you guys have a wonderful day!

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

1.3 Gallon Tank

I think it is strange that when you're having a more laid back day, you just remember to do the things that on your mind and not the things that are not.  I didn't know what to write for the blog this morning so I was saving it for tonight.  However I still have no idea what to write.  My fish has found a place that it likes to stay at.  Maybe it is sleeping.  Watching Byakuran swim in the tank today was very calming, and made me think about my life.  Where am I going, am I setting myself up in a little 1.3 gallon tank and I just don't know it?  Am I doing everything that I can be doing, no not today I didn't even do the dishes. Blah, I am admitting that to the whole internet now you know I didn't do the dishes and the kitchen is dirty.  :( Both of my parents are sleeping right now so I don't want to wake them up by doing them.  Excuses excuses.  Okay, I hope you people are having a lovely day! Guess where this picture was taken, I give you a hint.  It is a bit windy.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016


Rain on a window
My friend invited me to go to Mitsuwa today.  That should be fun.  I don't know what to write I might update this later, see ya I'm gonna do adult things now.  I think I am getting into the schedule I need to do now.  My sleep schedule is still a bit off.  Oh, I am also planning on picking my nephew up.   I starting to make a character for Dungeons and Dragons.  Her name is Abigail Stevens, she is a hunter and gatherer. She is married to a chill inventor/merchant.  Abigail has a button nose and bright red flowing hair.  SHe is so skinny that people often tell her to eat more food.  However she eats a lot of food, but just has a really good metabolism.  She is relativily strong, she can even give her husband a piggy back ride.  I like rolling my dice, I am making up a weird game in my head as I do this. Each number means something.  I don't know what yet there are like 7 dice, all with different numbers!  Oh geez
I got a beta today, I spent just about as much as I had.  I got it with my friend, to finish up a fun day!  We went to Mitsuwa got some ramen, and some random produce.  We went to Joannes and got some stuff for a cosplay I don't know.  We went to Goodwill and I found a bat I could use but it was a bit to big.  We went to party city, because it was next to Petco.  Than we went to Petco to my Beta FIsh, I have wanted a beta fish because I wanted one since my pet bird died.  However, my mom said I couldn't get a pet until I was going to be home for a while.  So I got a pet fish, and my friend had a beta for 5 years.  Sweet I am happy to have a pet that will live a long time.  I have to give it special spring water, but its food lasts almost 6 months.  That was only 3 dollars too!  So it seems like an inexpensive fish.  I named it Byakuran.  I like that name.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Multi Tasking

I have always been good at multitasking, yet I have been bad at it to.  I am a procrastination aficionado,  I wait till the last minute to do everything.  I make sure that everything is setup to do the thing.  I usually have most of the set up complete than spend a huge amount of time working on said thing.  I have gotten better at using my time better.  That may be because I had a thing happen.  I just realize that every day is a blessing and we need to spend it to the best of our abilities.  Not wasting time on things that don't matter.  We need to focus on the things that will progress us forward.  I am an adult now and I still don't have a garden of my own.  I really want to work towards having my own garden.  It has been my dream for a very long time.   Yesterday I went to sleep very early in the day and woke up around 3 am.  I want to study math and science every day.  I have a tool to do so, but I do not use it.  I want to volunteer and I found a place that I can do that.  So I just have to fill out an application to do so.  I keep the house clean for the most part.  I have to make a to do list every day to make sure I do everything I need to do.  I should make a to do list for every month, than segment it down to every week and every day what I should do.  To make those goals a reality.  I am just not very good at doing that.  However, every single day we can change.  Just because I am not good at something doesn't mean I can't try to be better.  I used to be horrible at excel, and now I can just go make a marco without thinking about it.  I can even code in VBA, but I have to think about that.

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Mall with friends

Okay so I went to the mall with my friends from high school the other day.  They are always better than me to take pictures.  This photo is a lot smaller in real life.  Kevin put his hand in my face, but he meant to put his hand under my chin.  I added that picture as a bit bigger one.  His face is so smooth apparently.  He told me my hands were soft.  He has a girlfriend ah yeah I am so happy for him.  He still spent time with us even though we picked him up from work!  I think I actually look kind of good in these pictures? Like am I pretty and I just don't know it, huh.... Valeries hair is beautiful and Ashley has the best faces.  We just walked around the mall and went to different stores.  Me and Kevin looked for the bathrooms together, I had a easy time, he didn't.  It was so great to meet my old friends.  It was a good beginning to my summer, and my time off from school.  I got a D&D book and some frosted Caribbean blue dice, that Kevin hates.  Valerie has the same ones that I have.  Cool!  I wanted to join a D&D guild.  However, Valerie and Kevin's party is full.  So I have to find a new one.  Apparently there is one at Barnes and Noble every month.  I can find people that play.  Also, Valerie told me that I could volunteer at her work, sweet that gives me something to do, other than clean my house all day and homework.  Also there are so many fandom shops here, or whatever they are called. I am happy to be home, because in Idaho the only fandom shop I knew of was in Idaho Falls.  Granted they are kind of far to get to still.  But there are actually buildings and not a lot of farming fields.

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Sweet Pea Honey George | Stardew Valley Playthrough #1

Sweet Pea Honey George | Stardew Valley Playthrough #1 from Andrea Baker on Vimeo.
So I made this movie because I am trying to make something creative every day.  I always wanted to make a playthrough.  So here is my attempt at it, if you will so enjoy my attempt.  This was meant to be a daily vlog, but I don't want you to see my morning face.  Eh, I have some sort of dignity.  My morning face is beautiful but I don't want all of the internet to see it!  You can't see my feet sorry.  I edited it down, so only the best bits are it it, and all those awkward silences.  I just thought it would be something fun.  I might make a new one if this one gets well received.  Yeah this game is kind of clogging the internet right now I know.
Here is a list of my steam Games if you guys want a another playthrough.
Borderlands 2
Fallout: New Vegas
Portal 2
Civilization V
The Walking Dead: Season 1 & 2
Hatoful Boyfriend
King's Quest
I also have a PS2 and a dreamcast, and a Gameboy.  If you want to have a playthrough on those let me know I add a list for those games to.  I have no idea how to set those movies up though.  I didn't know how to do Stardew Valley but I just figured it out, and I don't know if it is any good at all.

Oh, I watched Batman vs. Superman yesterday.  I actually really enjoyed the movie.  Everyone says it wasn't that good.  I really liked Lex in this one, he was just a really good actor.  I like how they portrayed him.  Why wasn't Flash in this movie he my fav.  I give it 7.3/10 Wonder Woman's.

Friday, April 22, 2016

Blah day

It is I, Dio!
I named my chicken butt.  So so you know butt is doing fine.  I can see how this title is misleading.  Whatever, I am talking about a chicken, not my gluteus maximus! You guys need to know how my virtual chicken is doing, because I love him.  I don't love rain man he is a poser.  I didn't exercise today.  I just studied, went through photos, went shopping and took really random naps.  I hope you guys can know what it is like to love a virtual chicken.  I am starting to write these is the morning again, because at night I am just really tired and fall asleep and forget to update my blog.  So I just write them in the morning.  It is just very interesting how small choices can make big changes.  I didn't go for a walk, maybe if I did I would of been bitten by a dog? (That's happened twice, small dogs) Maybe if I had gone to chipotle I would of gotten blood poisoning and befriended a Russian man.  Like that guy from Man From Uncle.  No, no hear me out I go to the hospital for blood poisoning and I am spinning on a spinny chair.  Than a russian man appears out of nowhere and kisses me and we live happily ever after.  But I die from blood poisoning.  Than the Russian man has to bury me and burn my house, like Full Metal Alchemist.  He than ventures for the sorcerer's stone, and joins U.N.C.L.E.  He also met Ethan Hunt along the way and they go to Walmart together on the weekends, to watch birds.  They have a happy life and go their separate ways.  Than the Russian man finds a bunch of money where he has lived his whole life, but he had to go all the way to Egypt to figure it out!  So sad, I don't know deal with it, I have a bread.  I am going to eat the bread. I hope you lovely people have a great day!  Do you guys like my random thoughts, or do you want more structured posts?  Or do you even have an opinion...

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Nagisa and Loch Ness Monster?!

 Um, I found this on a CD that said do not open in  5 years, and it has been 5 years since I made it so  yeah.  Huh interesting... This other video is of Ashley and Erick looking at each other?  I am not really sure what they were doing.  We were at the library, we were so cool.  I am just adding this movies, because they made my day and I wanted you guys to see my attempt at stop motion.  It didn't take off, spoiler alert. Oh, Nagisa flies away in one of these movies, magic!  Oh, man I was good at these maybe I should persue stop motion.  It seems that I really liked doing it 5 years ago.  Maybe this CD is a sign to start up stop motion  movies again!  I will be the next Tim Burton! Wee.
I have this bracelet and it makes a jangling noise when I type barf.  Oh, in the last post I lied. I have used my PS2, I used it to watch a movie not to play a game tough.  It has parental guide on it, so I can't watch Tokyo GodFather on it :( No, that is my worst nightmare. This is what happens when you buy a PS2 at a garage sale for 20 bucks.  Does anyone know how to hack a PS2 so I can watch movies on it? It is the original PS2 and not the newer fancier one. Hm, I don't care to look it up because I just watch movies on my computer.  We also have a three DVD players in this house, oh geez this is America land of the lots of TV's than is necessary.  Hm, I could watch 3 Movies a bit at a time and move about every 20 minutes.  Hm, that could be good exercise, I will let you guys know if I ever do that at all.  I have been keeping myself pretty busy.  Turns out I do have to take that class, for reasons I won't tell you guys.  However, it is only that one class I have to take, and there is an online class for it.  I feel like I am well prepared for this class.  I have a nice desk to use and I have everything that I need to make the most out of this class.  I also have a car in case I need to go to the Chicago Stock Market for emergencies.  You know CSM emergencies there quite common when you live in Chicago.  Just the same as the NYSM, ah the NASDAQ will get you man.  You have to watch out for Dow Jones. I am going to work on networking, do you guys want to know my progress on that at all?  Bleh, bleh, I would hug you guys that read this but I can't.  I hope you guys have a lovely day and don't die or kill anyone.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Drawing late at night, Success?

This is a leaf on a log man
I drew this bird, because I can't sleep.  May it haunt your 
Idk what this is, look at all the colors.  It makes me think
of a rainy day and someone's paint got ruined like Monet or 
something. It's like ah man my painting is ruined because
 it rained, you know that happens a lot. I wonder if Monet 
had that problem...  I drew this, I know I am that good
This is Washington Rain Forest, one of my favorites
place in the whole world.  It is just so beautiful, isn't it?
My nephew took this photo I'm biting my thumb :)
I'm reading this one blog and they are talking about BYU-Idaho.  I miss you BYU-Idaho :'( that blog is making my blues even more blue.  Thanks a lot(sarcasm)! I searched Google for my picture and it showed a lot of birds, success I did something right.  I am going to practice drawing even more, I did it on a platform I am not familiar with dude.  Don't judge me okay? The bird looks like it's ready for a fight, like "What you say to me, I will end YOU!"  :)  I am also writing this late at night.  My sleeping schedule has been way skewed.  I wake up at 3 am, and go to sleep at 7 pm.  Ugh, today it is like 1:30!  I have to go through my boxes today.  I do take a lot of naps though.  I have been playing Stardew Valley, Pierre's is closed on Wednesdays so you know.  I also caught an eel.  This game is pretty great.  I just imagined a little bird fighting a tough guy and the tough guy cries because he is to gentle to hit a little bird.  Huh, tittle is a word and it means a small amount of something.  Cool! Education is good, this blog is not educational in the slightest.  Hey check out Khan Academy, you can a lot of stuff there like Algorithms!  Oh, I just realized that I can watch Doctor WHO now because we have BBC America, yes! Oh, I am adding my own pictures now because I think there is some law on copyright or something?  Also I like taking, drawing, editing pictures so I think we are good for a while.  I will also blow through my Ireland pictures, yep there is still more.  I will add more pictures throughout my blog.  Expect the unexpected man!  Oh, I learned that Scaramouch is a stock clown character of the Italian commedia dell'arte.  The role combined characteristics of the zanni(servant) and the Capitano.  This was me in my past life.  Yes, I lived in Italy, PASTA! Hm, you don't get that reference probs. Okay I added a link for you to enjoy.  I watched this show when it came out, so me and my friends would yell pasta at each other a lot.  It was pretty great, oh yeah update on my Zootopia poster.  It kept falling off my door, so I rolled it up and now it is just sitting on my PS2.  Huh, I haven't played that yet.  Wow, I guess I have been busy these past couple days. I ate a chicken nugget and there was a bug on it, gross!  I won't be eating meat ever again.  Wait I ate a hot dog, hm nevermind.  Uh, I keep adding pictures in this blog, ah well I am writing this blog for myself really.  Do you guys not like the pictures.  Even if you don't I will still add them.  Ha, I was planning on making a movie of aIreland.  I will mash the movies together and take out the best bits of each.  I have no idea how long it is going to be.  I will probably add it to this blog man.  Just wait for it, darling okay?   The youtube movie I added is absolutely amazing.  I was going through my bookmarks and found this beauty.  Ah, good time man, good times.   I just keep adding to this blog don't I.  It is just open in one tab and I add to it as I find things on my computer, haha.  I hope you have a lovely day darlings.  Ugh this text has to go past the pictures so it doesn't look like I am adding a lot of pictures because I am bored.  It is because it adds to the blog, yeah?  Hm, you know my secret now, that bird is going to fight you now.  I hope you are ready, if you punch him I will clap.   Oh, I made a CD, because my old CD is starting to not sound good anymore.  It is almost 80 minutes worth of music.  All of my favorites such as this one! Which if you keep up on this blog, I actually met this fella, which might be why I have been listening to it recently.  Eh, he is Irish so it makes sense for him to be in Dublin honestly.  Burger Pants.
My Nephew Aiden
 the roads in Ireland.  I shot movies every time I thought the roads looked cool.  So this movie will be what it is like to drive in Ireland you know.  Just be patient dude.  Oh, I just looked how many videos I have on my Ireland folder, 49! Ah, that movie might be a bit long.  450 MB, woo quite some video data to sift through.  Props to my nephew for the totally awesome picture he took of me!  Luke you will definitely be an awesome photographer some day!  Huh, I write a lot of stuff but you guys still have no idea what goes on in my life.  My life is so much more than this, but I just write what I am thinking about.  I don't always think about my life as a whole, I think about it in little segments.  Huh, interesting thought.  I added a beautiful movie for you to enjoy.  What even is this blog today, can you tell I am going through my computer for old photos.  I just connected my camera to my computer and I have photos from 3 years ago.  Oh, geez. Avocados are really good I disagree with this lady.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Chick Flicks :(

Blarney Castle, Mom, Dad, Me
I felt really stressed today for some reason.  My neck feels weird.  I think that my Bells palsy is getting better gradually.  Or at least I hope it is, I don't my face to be numb the rest of my life, it's hard to read.  Hence, I am not very far in It.  Reading is really stressful and I have a head ache from just trying a little bit.   I didn't do much really(I lied, I just don't want to write about it).  I went for a walk like 5 miles almost, at 7 in the morning.  I saw a bunch of kids going on the bus for school.  They were probably wondering why I was walking around so early.  Like who is this crazy lady.  I'll guess I'll just write my thoughts as they are right now because that is how I started this blog.  So why is that we go to school?  Everyone does, and some people are smarter than others.  So school really favors to the gifted.  I see old people working at McDonald's, isn't that supposed to be where teenagers work.  Does this anomaly have to do with the economy or the school system, or both?  I don't understand this election, why is that it lasts so long.  It is more of a popularity contest than anything.  Why do we put so much importance into someone that doesn't really even have that much power.  I mean kind of, but there not the only people that control the government.  We should have this same process for the FED, man they basically control the economy.  Eh, I feel like as a citizen I would have a better understanding of who is in the FED.  I guess that won't get views on ABC family or whatever TV station it shows up on.   I don't like Chick Flicks or Musicals, I never have.  I do like some, but it is the least demotion for movies for me.  If that even is the right way to say it.  Okay have a good day, lovely people.

Ireland: where the roads are made for bikes

This is my favorite picture that I took, so I want it to be the first thing you see on this post
My favorite parts of the trip were the cliffs of Moher, scenery, and the cemeteries. Here is a list of every place that we went to. 
Rainy Day, Beautiful
Got my shoes muddy for this one, worth it?
We think this is the oldest bridge in Dublin
Yellow house
      1.     St. Patrick’s Cathedral
  2.     Christ Church
  3.     Trinity College
  4.     Bridge
  5.     Rock of Cashel
  6.     Blarney Castle
  7.     Blarney House
  8.     Garden
  9.     Ashford Castle
  10. Galway
11. Latin Quadrant
12. Nimois Quay
13. Cong
14. Quiet man Cottage
15. Abby
16. Ruins
17. Rock Roads
18. Baby sheep
                                           I would let you 
I really liked the houses here
     know that if you are going to Ireland keep in mind that most of their restaurants do not have condiments.  So bring your ketchup with you.  There are also no shopping bags at stores, no hand sanitizers.  The only big advertisements I saw was for Game of Thrones 
and some Irish history thing. They were on the sides of buildings I saw no billboards.  It was quite a shock for someone who grew up in Chicago.
Angles are amazing, also my dad
       I went there on Tuesday afternoon and left Saturday morning.  So I wasn't there for too long.  It only rained one day while I was there.  People lied to me! I was promised rain.  There were a lot of beautiful birds.  I actually saw a bird and said come here come here.  It did it was
     coming so close to me I didn't know what to do so I ran, I upset the bird because he flapped his wings angrily.  That's the first time a bird actually came close to me when I told it to.  Well, not my pet birds but you know what I mean...  Oh, in Ireland they are very friendly with allergies a lot more than Japan.  Their grocery stores had a proper selection of gluten free products.  Tesco's had about the same selection as a super Walmart.  I forgot the other store but it was in a town outside of blarney's castle.  It actually had gluten free cupcakes, with cream in it; for almost 3 euro no less!  Oh we went to a gas station restaurant and they
A walkway, looks like a road though
     gave us a second fish and chips meal, because the first one was all ugly.  All of the castles were absolutely beautiful.  My favorite part was the cemeteries.  I like cemeteries because you can be around people but it isn't awkward.  They might be dead but you know how it is. People die.  I got to hold some random statue girls hand, I don't even know who she is. I am 
Beautiful building
holding her hand?! 
Top of Blarney Castle
      I added a few of my favorite pictures, I would like to know what your favorite pictures are if you don't mind.  Just describe it or something.  I got to pick what country I wanted to go to, I first said Hong Kong.  My mom told me that I had to think more Europe.  I didn’t even think I just said 
Ireland.  I have always wanted to go to Ireland, because it so gosh darn beautiful.  However, if you want to go, go at the end of April or the beginning of May.  
     When I went all the trees were still in Winter mode, and have not yet blossomed.  We spent a lot of time in the car.  I slept in the car, which is something that I hardly ever do.  We woke up each morning eating oatmeal.  Every hotel that we went to had a kettle. 
Moss on a bridge
    Which is something I have never seen in the states before.  They are pretty convenient, you can make oatmeal, hot cide, ramen.  You know all the important things.  So St. Patrick's cathedral was really cool.  I met a Chaplain, I didn't know what 
Is this your house
     a Chaplin was so I first thought of Charlie Chaplin.   I noticed in Ireland they have a lot of religious artifacts around their towns.  A chaplain is a member of the clergy attached to a private chapel, institution, ship, branch of the armed forces, etc.  I also recently learned that IRA doesn't stand for International Rifle Association, it also stands for Irish Republican Army.  This formatted weird, but I wanted to add all of my favorite pictures that I have taken in Ireland.  Yep, I took all of these pics :)  I might edit this post but I kind of like it how it is.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Bell Palsy

I had to go to the doctors in the morning, because my face has been numb for a few days.  I had to drive myself to the doctors. They told me I had to go to the hospital with an ambulance.  I was like, no my mom is down the street luckily.  So I went to the hospital and had to sit there for a few hours.  It ended up that I just have bell palsy and nothing serious like a stroke.  Weee.  I had to get medicine at walgreens but my dad ended up getting it for me.  I like living at home with my parents, it can be nice sometimes.  I bought a Zootopia poster today, it is pretty grand.  I got 'It' from the library, I have to read 52 pages in the next 21 days in order to read this book!  'It' is over 1,000 pages.  I have never even seen the movie.  I know it is about a clown or something.  I have always been fascinated by the horror genre.  I have watched a good selection of horror movies, but I never read a horror book.  So I thought Stephen King would be a good starter.  Actually when I was a freshman in highschool, 'It' was at the local book store.  I saw the title and came up with my character Ingram Terrence, who was a hobo arsonist (still kind of accurate).  His initials are I.T. so hence 'It', this book inspired my baby but I never read it.  Ingram is one of my main characters in the book that I want to write.  So I thought why in the world did a book inspire my baby but I never read it or watched the movie, whaaa?  Okay I call Ingram my baby because it is an idea that has developed in my head for several years.  Mind baby? Creative baby, hm I am not sure what to call it.  Well, I hope you guys have a lovely day :)

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Jet Lag

I am writing this on my bed, my computer is on the desk.  The chair is uncomfortable.  I have jet lag.  I went to church with my sister and her 4 kids.  They were climbing all over me during sacrament.  I held J.J. for most of the meetings, he is only a few months old.  It is so weird how small humans are.  You know, babies are so small.  Everyone starts off the same.  Maybe not financially, but everyone starts off completely new.  We can shape our lives whatever way we want.  My nose is running and I can't stop crying in my left eye.  I don't know what is going on, but I am in pain so this post is going to be short I'll probably just read and take a nap today.  Oh I just finished reading the 5th wave.  I am so bad at reading, I got the book a few months ago and just finished.  I put things off quite a bit.  This book is pretty good, but I feel like it falls into the generic dystopian novel that seems to be popular right now.  The audience is obviously for people a lot younger than me.  I need to read more books in my target audience.  Blah. I drew this, it is of my room, in perspective of me drawing.  Hence the sketchbook.  I am not a professional artist, but I like to draw, I wasn't trying for realism, just a quick doodle.  I bought a video game today, and I bought a copy for my friend because she wanted it.  The reason I did this was because I don't know I just did.  This blog is very normative, maybe that is why I don't have a very big audience.  Huh no matter I don't care I don't really care for monetary gains on this platform.  
Some of my favorite quotes.  
35 - He gave me a little wave, like he showed up at my school every day to take me home after alien attacks.  
39- A thick column of smoke rises lazily toward the cloudless sky Cincinnati is burning.  
60- We'd stared into the face of death, and death blinked fast.  
322- Instead he just stares back at me with no expression, with those bird bright eyes.  
326 - He may not have bought it, but he did rent it. 
344 - Over the past ten minutes, it's become such a dear friend I consider naming it.  Howard, my pet log.  
402 - The future of humanity belongs to the hardcore.  
456 - We're here, and then we're gone, and it's not about the time we're here, but what we do the time.
Ireland blog is coming soon, I am going to stop saying comment if blank, because no one does, so whatevs.  

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Ireland 06

I met this kind fella (<--check out the link) today.  What a wonderful way to end my amazing vacation to Ireland.  With an unexpected surprise!  I was to nervous to go up to him.  Even with him crouching he is still taller than me!  I was like I am sorry to bother you, but he said thank you so much after the picture was taken.  Yes, I will have a better post up soon man, this blog hasn't been doing very well.  I have gotten views in France though.  So I am reaching some sort of audience.  I am staying at that 3 views a day even with not good blog posts.  I am just going to write random stuff because my mom is sitting there eating chocolate and I haven't been on a computer in a few days.  The keys feel nice on my hands.   My eyes are droopy.  My water bottle has water in it, a little bit less than half way.  The wrapper sits on the discarded plate waiting to be thrown out into the trash.  There are people in the room with me but it is nice.  I am at the airport waiting for my connection and there just so happens to be a computer.  Yeah, just some computer in the Philadelphia airport.  If there are any Megalodons in my general vicinity I want to hug all of them.  Just leave a comment if you are a regular visitor to my blog that would be nice.  Sorry that my blog hasn't been very full of content, I made all those posts almost 2 weeks before in almost 10 minutes.  Hehe you know my secret...  I have to figure out how to get those Canon photos on my computer to make my epic Ireland post, it is just gonna be one btw.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Ireland 05

Me when  I was a kid :D  I used to think those sensors on toilets were cameras.  I was always confused why people wanted to see everyone use the toilet.  Needless to say I didn't like going to the bathroom in public  Comment with funny stories from when you were a kid.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Ireland 03

This picture was flagged, 0.o  comment with something you searched for innocently and came up with something that you didn't expect.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Ireland 02

Oh Yeah I am in Ireland, maybe someone will see this from Ireland.  Comment on this if you are from Ireland.  Or if you are in Ireland right now that be cool!

Monday, April 11, 2016

Ireland 01

Hey I am in Philadelphia right now, using a computer in the airport.  I probably won't be on the internet much more than a few minutes. I'll be in Ireland by this morning, you guys probably won't get any updates.  Unless there is some stray computer in Ireland I can use.  So have a good day, I hope it is been going good for you darlings. I am writing these blogs for when I go to Ireland, because I have no idea if I will be able to have access to the internet.  When I went to Japan I did, but it is Ireland do they even have the internet? Just some really random pictures. Comment if you are from medieval times.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

sleepy day

Yo, I made a sub par game on powerpoint.  If anyone is interested in seeing that.  I will let you.  You can email me or something.  Don't expect anything spectacular I made it really fast.  I really want to make a game, but I need to do more planning then what I have done.  Haha.  I am going to Ireland in the morning.  I am just planning on taking my camera with no other electronic.  It's not like I am super popular anyway.  I never get texts so why would I get them all at once when I am in Ireland?  Huh, maybe I will, that be something nice to come back to.  I just wanted to make something small, because I have been reading some web comics today. I know tennant is scottish, but that is somewhat close to ireland.  Don't judge me..

Get it together Tennant.  Comment if Tennant is your favorite doctor!

Saturday, April 09, 2016

Road trip

So today I had a car trip. I'm just writing these on my phone so that I don't take up a lot of data. We are 710 miles out of my home town as of now.  I have been in the car since 6 in the morning.  I feel like I drove my fair share. However I don't know. I can put my feet up on the dash board because it's my car. HA! I do want I what in this car I make the rules.  So yeah we got a Beatles Cd.  I think downtown abbey?  The one where they walk down the street.  Paul McCartney isn't wearing shoes. Gasp.  I guess I could write about my impressions for this semester.  I did a month in review. Now I'll will do a semester in review! 😳 I had really awesome roommates.  I enjoyed all of my classes.  I also actually met a few some awesome boys(men :)).  Which is always a plus.  I'm not sure if I'll see them again but I got to spend a little time with them. I'll actually miss some of my teachers.. 😞  I even got to see zootopia and Citizen Kane with the same person.  Those movies were amazing!  Thanks again if you actually read this. Haha.  So yeah that is about it I'm going to sleep now bye bye. There are errors but I don't care deal with it for now might fix it later might not.

I'm not a doctor, you can't trust me Comment if you want me to get a doctor's degree :)

Friday, April 08, 2016


Notes on Rasband's talk - Write in journal.  Be of good cheer and do not fear for the lord is with us.  Rescue those who are faltering behind. Don't leave anyone on the side of the road. You'll be the answer to someone's prayer.  No one can assist in this work unless they are humble and full of love.
My thoughts
Today I had to take two finals. Which is pretty cool. I was done at 15. After that we went to go get dinner.  I got a special dinner because I have allergies but I still got something I'm Allergic to. I don't know.  Than we went to a commencement for graduation.  It's seems so odd to be done with this school.  It's just like I'll be back tomorrow.  I feel like I made good friends while I was here.  However, I didn't find my best friend sigh in time, in time.  I'm not coming back tomorrow though.  Will I ever come back, maybe if my nieces or nephews come here.  Or my own kids?  I don't know.  My sister might graduate here I'm not entirely sure.   Like I'm done with school?  I still feel like I am a kid.  I have to go outside now?!  I think this school had helped me prepare for outside world.  The spirit in this school will probably never be anywhere else.  Just you know it is nice to be a 10 minute walk to the temple.  I just don't know what I want to do next.  I really want to open a thrift store or a nursery.  We'll see where that goes. I'll take you guys on that journey.

I graduated today, so I thought this gif was appropriate.  Actually if I would go back to school if I can.  I would want a Art or Creative Writing or Botany Degree.  I will only go back to school if I have a lot of money and can do whatever I want.  I'll be working to get to this! Comment if you want me to never come back! to where Idk hmmm

Thursday, April 07, 2016

Day 1,000,001

True.  This picture has no context to absolutely anything.  Yesterday was an interesting day.  I started off by studying.  Than someone was at my house, and did things.  I than went with them to Walmart, and went with someone to get tacos.  Who doesn't love tacos man.  I went to watch CasaBlanca, but I ended up playing Smash Brothers.  Than when we went to watch casablanca I was so tired I just left. I wasn't paying attention to the movie.  Ah, I still need to see this movie.  All I remember is that really happy guy singing.  Hehe sorry Jimmy and Eric!  Comment if you want me to eat chicken nuggets.

Wednesday, April 06, 2016


Zootopia Documentary!  I love documentaries this should be awesome!  Gif is idk, clannad man watch it. I just wrote a bunch of these because I have to remind myself to do these, so yeah.  I mainly rely on the picture for the post.  I am being lazy, sweeet.  Someone said today to someone that came over, who I knew previously "She is talking know!" I remembered I kept to myself for 2 years straight almost.  I hated talking to people, because of things that happened.  I haven't in the slightest why I started talking again.  Even if I just scream at birds and give random people compliments, but I am a bit happier than I was before.  So why didn't I do this 2 years ago.  I DON't KNOW I would avoid everyone.  I get surprised when people look at me, I often think they are looking at the wall or something behind me. I don't think people realize how important someone making eye contact with you is.  Even if the eye contact is all the way across the room.  Take more appreciation in that, I implore you to reconsider this aspect of your life.  Trust me, I spent years where no one would make eye contact with me (well, not a lot).  Mainly because I wasn't happy with myself.  Be happy with yourself.  Comment if you want me to burn something.