Tuesday, March 01, 2016

You are awesome!

Okay so I feel like I need to try to be more like myself I act weird because I'm scared. I noticed in someone else that they are being more confident. It's interesting to see people change over the course of a few weeks when you kind of know them but not to much. So I just feel like I need to be more confident in myself and stop being scared. I don't know how to spell scard. No one is ever going to like me if I never be myself and am just scard of everything all the time. I will never find that person who will spend the rest of their life with me. I'm talking about my feels but I was thinking about this yesterday a lot. If anyone else feels this way I'm here for you, okay? Everything is going to be okay I'll listen to you if you want to rant. Unless your someone from not where I am than I cant hug you! Haha I probably wouldn't hug you anyway I'd probably just pat your shoulder. Yesterday my room mate touched my hand (Mandy) and I patted her shoulder. She thought that was funny so we kept doing it for some reason?? I'm usually very quiet and I don't talk to people at all which isn't the best thing in the world. If your having problems like this it's okay you are a wonderful human being and you can do anything. Even if you are deaf, blind, autistic, depressed, in a wheelchair, etc. I believe in you and you can do anything you want! Even go to that circus in Korea. However ridiculous it is if you put your mind to it you can do it.

Moroni 10:21-22
 20 Wherefore, there must be faith; and if there must be faith there must also be hope; and if there must be hope there must also be charity.
 21 And except ye have charity ye can in nowise be saved in the kingdom of God; neither can ye be saved in the kingdom of God if ye have not faith; neither can ye if ye have no hope.

I'm not really sure if this ties in with what I was saying. We need to have faith, hope, and charity in order to be saved. I feel like if we have these things we can become better people and be confident in ourselves. Jesus wants us to be happy and will help us with our problems no matter what.
I just read my patriarchal blessing, which is something I would recommend if you haven't done it in a while.  Patriarchal blessing is a blessing given to you by a patriarch and it is direct revelation from God to you.  It is pretty much personal scriptures.  It is super cool.  I hope that you are happy and having a good day today.  Why are you reading this, if you are? I'd like to know Hmmmm.


I found this on my computer,  I think I wrote this a few months ago.
mainly for fun and practicing techniques.  I am not a very good programmer so don't be too judgemental of this :)  However that is the exact reason why I am making this website so that I can get better at designing a webpage, because it is something that I want to do.  I mainly use Khan Academy, W3 Schools and some books to learn from.  What text books you might ask, just whatever I find at the local library I don't necessarily have a favorite per se.
Survey -
What is your favorite colour?
+ Blue
+ Red
+ Green
+ Purple
+ Yellow
Contact -
Some of my favorite things are drawing, gardening and writing.
Drawings -
Have a page full of my drawings, have a drawing per day.  Or have an archive of doodles
Do you drink?
 - No
how was your day?
 - Stares into distance
Are you okay?
 - Orange
What is your favorite colour?
 - Ocean Blue
have Random Story Archive
 - Write a short snippet of a story every day.
Are you married?
 - No
Do you eat frogs?
 - No
Is that a bug on your head!?
 - Yeah most likely
Do you have any OCD tendencies?
 - Yeah, I feel compulsively to clean things that are dusty.
I wish there was a spell checker for creating web pages :X
- I smelled Burning but I didn't see burning
- What if there were frogs on the ceiling and no one knew
- Where did all of the dinosaurs go, vacation.  What if they just come back from their vacation from another dimension.  Were dinosaurs aliens because they could of flew away in giant spaceships.  THis will be the next Jurassic Park!!! Yes Please
- I want a Monitor to do homework and not have to go to the library all the time.
- I need to study algorithms but I don't Khan Academy has algorithms on it I should
- I don't know what this is for maybe just complaining my thoughts for future reference I hope no one reads this :P I think I got this idea from Life is Strange if that makes any sense at all.
- 00101011 Is this binary IDK!!!

I learned Fodder Radish, it's just a food.

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