Sunday, May 13, 2018


I watched that movie Joy a while ago and I feel like the meaning is finally sinking in.  I'm am really bad at overwatch I died got resurrected and then died 2 seconds later. I have to pratice a lot to get up to par with these people who have over 100 hours on that game.  I really need to start doing stuff and I want to tell you people about it.  I made 2 people mad yesterday idk why but I did.  I need to work harder at being a idk what I need to be.  However I am going to try to set up a daily routine, like brush teeth brush teeth brush teeth bed.  Like something like that you know.  Maybe do more than brush my teeth but I got that down now at least I floss and no more blood!  No blood no blood is good.  A lot of times we know exactly what we need to do to be successful but we just don't want to do it.  I am going to try to spend at least 30 minutes a day with no electronics and just brainstorm what I can do to be a better person.  THis is a long paragraph ok bye people on the internet!

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