Tuesday, April 26, 2016


Rain on a window
My friend invited me to go to Mitsuwa today.  That should be fun.  I don't know what to write I might update this later, see ya I'm gonna do adult things now.  I think I am getting into the schedule I need to do now.  My sleep schedule is still a bit off.  Oh, I am also planning on picking my nephew up.   I starting to make a character for Dungeons and Dragons.  Her name is Abigail Stevens, she is a hunter and gatherer. She is married to a chill inventor/merchant.  Abigail has a button nose and bright red flowing hair.  SHe is so skinny that people often tell her to eat more food.  However she eats a lot of food, but just has a really good metabolism.  She is relativily strong, she can even give her husband a piggy back ride.  I like rolling my dice, I am making up a weird game in my head as I do this. Each number means something.  I don't know what yet there are like 7 dice, all with different numbers!  Oh geez
I got a beta today, I spent just about as much as I had.  I got it with my friend, to finish up a fun day!  We went to Mitsuwa got some ramen, and some random produce.  We went to Joannes and got some stuff for a cosplay I don't know.  We went to Goodwill and I found a bat I could use but it was a bit to big.  We went to party city, because it was next to Petco.  Than we went to Petco to my Beta FIsh, I have wanted a beta fish because I wanted one since my pet bird died.  However, my mom said I couldn't get a pet until I was going to be home for a while.  So I got a pet fish, and my friend had a beta for 5 years.  Sweet I am happy to have a pet that will live a long time.  I have to give it special spring water, but its food lasts almost 6 months.  That was only 3 dollars too!  So it seems like an inexpensive fish.  I named it Byakuran.  I like that name.

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