Sunday, April 10, 2016

sleepy day

Yo, I made a sub par game on powerpoint.  If anyone is interested in seeing that.  I will let you.  You can email me or something.  Don't expect anything spectacular I made it really fast.  I really want to make a game, but I need to do more planning then what I have done.  Haha.  I am going to Ireland in the morning.  I am just planning on taking my camera with no other electronic.  It's not like I am super popular anyway.  I never get texts so why would I get them all at once when I am in Ireland?  Huh, maybe I will, that be something nice to come back to.  I just wanted to make something small, because I have been reading some web comics today. I know tennant is scottish, but that is somewhat close to ireland.  Don't judge me..

Get it together Tennant.  Comment if Tennant is your favorite doctor!

This is a general summary of the book I want to write.
In the Past thousands years, the world has been in War with the alien Race.  Scientists discovered Portals through an invention they created.  Attempting to make a time machine, which could go into the future.  It was made in such a way that anyone can access them.  What people discovered was several alien worlds, not to different from our own.  The government didn’t like having these economies tying into their own.  The people from our world were spending all their money in the other worlds.  So the government didn’t like that so they sent their armies to attack the other worlds.  However, the alien worlds already had a good relationship with each other so they retaliated with all of their force.  It turned into an arms race.  Our planet doing its best to come out with the bigger better weapons.  Eventually scientists come out with super soldiers that they created from scratch. Very much similar to giant fighting robots from anime, with an exterior exoskeleton.  These soldiers did very well, but they only had a life of 150 years.  IF only they could pass on their genes.  So scientists created soldiers from human babies.  It was a slow process but eventually they got results.  Much trouble in having a soldier that can think for themselves, a soldier created a city that could withhold the influence of portals so no one would have to deal with the war.  Scientists found the city, and have been trying to destroy it since then.  Which results in a phenomenon much like the Aurora Borealis.  [AB1] 

 [AB1]I wrote this at church and I forgot to write it down, mkay Definitely needs padding

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