Tuesday, May 31, 2016


1) When is your birthday? (You don't have to include the year if you don't want to.)
October 6th

2) What are 3 of your favorite colors?
Purple, Blue and Green 

3) What are your 3 favorites quotes?
  1. Frodo: What are we holding onto, Sam?  Sam: That there's some good in this world, Mr. Frodo... and it's worth fighting for.
  2. All that glitters is not gold.
  3. Come what may and love it. 

4) Are you addicted to YouTube?
Psh... no.... *wipes liar's sweat off of palms*

5) What are 3 of your favorite shows on TV or YouTube or both?
Lost, Wheezywaiter,  Avatar

6) What are 3 qualities you like in a best friend?
Blunt, forgiving, and Not afraid to say things

7) Do you like your name? 

8) If you have the choice to pick your own name, what will it be?
Butthead Mcgee

9) What is your fantasy dream?
To do whatever I want without precaution10) Do you wear makeup?
Muh, when I feel like it. 

11) If you could write a book, what would the title be and what would it be about?
Oh I'm not going to use the one I am working on that is to easy.  Lord of the Harry Rings, and it is a crossover of Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings.

12) What makes you cry?
When people die

13) What makes you angry?
When I see dead animals, like turtles being totally mutilated
When people lie 

14) What makes you happy?

15) What is "Fangirling?"
When you like something to much and are a.. girl

16) What are your 3 favorites snacks?
Yogurt, Toast, and smoothies

17) What are your 3 favorite foods?
Jambalaya, Pizza and Pomegranates18) What are your 3 favorite drinks?
Pomegranate Blueberry Juice, Water, Water

19) Can you tell us a little about yourself?
I am me. 

20) What are 10 random facts about you?
  1. One time I ate a 10 year old candy when no one told me to eat it
  2. I don't like Brussel SProuts 
  3. or Artichokes
  4. I once ate a ton of french toast in a single sitting
  5. I used to imagine that I had a million dogs
  6. I catched grasshoppers as a child
  7. I lost a tooth in oatmeal
  8. I went to a party and left as soon as I got there
  9. I enjoy getting lost
  10. I do not like using internet in the car

21) What are your 3 fun things to do?
  1. Play Video Games
  2. Study
  3. Nature in general, walking, planting blah blah
Lazy blog
Yeah I hope you lovelies have a great day and maybe learned something about me? 

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