Thursday, March 31, 2016

March a review

Bibimbap just look at it man... UHhHH
Me being me...
Since it is the last day of the month I thought I would write my initial thoughts of this month.  Well I got strep throat and got lots of panic attacks.  Yet again was I to nervous to talk to any cute boys. Sigh maybe someday I can talk to cute boys.  Or just anyone for that matter. Wait no actually I talked to a lot of people this month.  Just when I want to talk to someone I freak out and run away. Just didn't make any new friends. Hm I talked to a cute boy when I went over to Jimmy's house. So wait actually progress!  I still have a long way to go though. Hi if you're reading this. In academic news, oh geez so much stress.  I just ugh not talking about it.  In emotional matters I feel like I kept it together pretty well.  It could've been a lot worse, but nothing bad happened this month.  So I am grateful for that.  No one was mean to me, and I wasn't mean to anyone.  On Spiritual matters, uh pretty good I feel pretty close to Christ.  I plan on going to the temple tomorrow. I found out that my spiritual animal is a lark. Why? It is because I asked myself what is my spiritual animal and lark is the first thing I thought of.  Best part of this month: seeing my roommate start dating an awesome guy :) Personal: Laying in the sun for an hour on Easter, oh and seeing Zootopia and Citizen Kane (both great movies which are my new faves, which I saw both with my friend(yay!)).  Worst part of this month: Getting Strep throat and laying in bed for days.  I hope that next month will be better gonna graduate and go to Ireland. Sounds pretty wonderful to me. I think I felt like I was missing something this month.  Oh yeah bibimbap luckily I can get that when I go back home. Mitsuwa I missed you so!  I can't wait to see my sister and my best friend!!  Big Hero 6 Review up tomorrow.  Leave my a comment, it makes me glad.

Here is a cool video as a side note, inspirational video for the day I guess?

Wednesday, March 30, 2016


These gifs depict my emotions
Help this poor birb
On the topic of friends.  It is really late right now and I can't sleep.  I am trying to get my homework done, but I have a thing stuck in my head and it won't come out.  So I thought I would write this on my blog.  I hope to not offend anyone.  Whenever I start to get close to someone there is always that nagging voice in my head that says they don't care about you!  I forget who said this but someone asked me did you really lose friends that quickly as a child that you have to reconfirm so often?  That came as a surprise to me, because it seems so second nature to me.  The friends I made as a child were my friends for quite a long time, so that statement wasn't very true.  The best friend I made while at school was someone very close and dear to me.  However I haven't talked to them in years.  I get a panic attack whenever I go near somewhere that we talked at a lot.  I find myself sitting in the places that we met at.  I don't really know why but I can't erase those precious moments out of my head.  The moments with this friend were good and terrifying.  I have made other friends since him, but none of them looked at me the way he did.  None of them have talked to me the way he did, with such tenderness and forgiveness.  I am not saying that I want to see him, I am just saying that I miss him, it is just hard to forget someone like that when I am so close to the places we spent time at.  Okay?  I just find it hard to get close to people because I want confirmation that people like me every day.  Or else I will think that they don't care about me at all.  Which is a bad habit to have.  I don't really understand why I do this. (Side note it Isn't just my asbergers, it's a lot of other things dude)  I feel like no one will like me because I have so many weird quirks.  Recently someone said, that everyone has quirks, no one is really weird.  Which was pretty interesting to me because I feel like I should be able to fit in? Right. Why did it always feel like people forced themselves to talk to me?  Why did people just let me cry and never ask if I was okay?  Than why was I bullied so much?  People don't really like people that are different.  Someone once told me a long time ago, that people don't want to hang out with the weird person.  I always felt like I wasn't a part of the group.  Everyone would be talking and I would be running to the other side of the room.  Why, because I saw something shiny.  I feel like if you ignore someone once you offend them for life.  Several times in my life I had a really good conversation with someone, than they said something to me in passing.  I would ignore them because I assumed they weren't talking to me.  Than they would never talk to me again.  Even though I saw them several times a week.  Which is really weird and I was always to shy to ask why they didn't want to talk to me anymore.  I remember girls camp, I would lay in my bed and avoid everyone.  They would ignore me until the older girls came in, because it was my sister and she didn't want me to be the weird girl.  I don't like having sleepovers with girls I don't know.  They put their beds together sometimes and it made me really really uncomfortable.  I remember someone put a toy on my bed, I remember throwing it across the room because I didn't want their pity.  I have always been really good at  making people laugh but never at making them like me.  Idk if this ramble makes any sense but eh, I feel better now. Oh I forgot to write a resolution.  Fine in Eric's response he said that it would be the best to just be myself.  I guess I always try to act like everyone else.  So maybe I should stop being afraid and actually be myself for once. Okay happy now?  Goodbye.  I go do my homework now.  Also one of my friends responded to my blog where I talked about this, and it made me think even more.  Drat you ERIC!  You made me think of something because I made you think of something!  Woah this is so meta. Did I just reiterate what I already said in the last post.  Ah well, that just who I am, this is my blog.  Please leave me a comment, its makes me glad.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

The Seventh Secrets

There was once a man who sat in his tree reading his books.  He saw people as they walked by, seeing their happy faces. He had a habit to look it their eyes, I mean really look into their eyes.  He saw something that called for help, and very deep despair in everyone's eyes.  Even if they showed kindness by saying good day, and waving with a sweet smile.  He didn't understand why people didn't just show what they were truly feeling.  One day there was a person who looked up at me, and asked if they could join me in my tree.  I didn't say anything but I motioned for them to come up the tree.  I usually don't let people in my tree but this person seemed different.  I watched the world turn several times, the years went by.  Sitting in my little tree reading books on every subject you can think of.  Expanding my knowledge.  The other person sat alongside with me and read just as much as I did.  We would look at each other and smile every once in awhile, but I never broke the silence.  After what seemed to be several lifetimes this person started to talk about the books they read, their life, and they told me their secrets.  Secrets that have never reached the ears of any other person ever before.  I finally looked at this strange person I looked deep into their eyes.  I saw something so pure and innocent.  I saw someone that I loved.  They smiled really deeply and looked into my eyes and started to get up to come over to me, but they fell out of the tree and broke their back.  I broke the silence I have been keeping for so long with a heart shattering scream.  I tried to desperately to get out of my tree but to no avail.  I was stuck here forever it seemed like.  I looked out into the world and saw that their was no one left to observe only my love slowly decaying into the nature around them.  I watched them as they decayed into the earth.  I tried to pass the time by reading my books.  To no avail, I was still distraught that my love is decaying into the dirt.  I ripped apart the pages in my books and wrote love notes and threw them to my love.  Hoping against hope that they would read them.  However unlikely that seems to anyone.  I was alone no one was judging me.  Eventually there was a small sprout that grew in the exact spot where my love's heart was.  After a very long time a beautiful tree grew, which I was able to climb onto.  It told me all of its secrets and about the books it has read.
 The End
I am just writing stories because finals are coming up and I am getting busy dude. I had to write this twice because stuff happens, hopefully this one is better than the original but I guess you'll never know. Please leave me a comment, it makes me glad.

Monday, March 28, 2016

Forgot my Pants!!

People think this is impressive?
I like to do some stretching sometimes.  So I sometimes just put my leg on this little divider we have in between the kitchen.  I am just stretching but people gotta comment on it. So I thought I add a picture for you to enjoy.  Oh, I forgot my gym shorts for my gym class so I didn't go even though I walked all the way there.  Just to discover I had no pants to wear!  I just stayed home and did some homework.  I ate some lunch too!  Charlie and the Chocolate Factory was on.  I never saw the original one, some time ago someone asked me if I saw West Side Story.  I realize the reason that I haven't seen a lot of classic movies is because I never really had a childhood.  I can't remember the first 6 years of my life.  I have never really been a fan of watching movies.  Most of my life I have had really bad headaches, so I can't pay attention to something for 2 hours unless I have seen it before.  I have watched Lord of the Rings a ton of times man don't ask how many.  I tend to not pay attention to movies, so I have to watch them several times to get the idea of what is going on.  So because of that I don't like watching movies in the theater.  I have watched a lot of movies but never really enjoyed the experience of watching movies.  A lot of people tell me I am really annoying to watch movies with.  Whenever I am with a group of people I tend to gab a lot.  Hm, but when I watched Citizen Kane with Eric and Jimmy I was pretty quiet, except for when Eric gave me his taco.  Hm, maybe I am changing into an adult.  I mean I am 23 years old so I hope that I am changing into an adult.  That would be really cool.  School is almost over I had a random thought to go around and lick everything that I like about this school, but I don't think that would be the best idea.
~~~~~~~~~~~~ Citizen Kane Review (Spoilers Beware) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Sunday, March 27, 2016

I appreciate that!

My friend the wall
Yesterday ended in a weird kind of tizzy. I went on a date(apparently) with my friend and he seemed upset the whole time. Which was caused me to be upset but I still had fun by talking to the other people there.  So yeah today I tried to offset that little tizzy. I made friends with a wall and told everyone that I appreciate them. Except that wall for insulting my mother. I will come back in 7 years and burn that tree down and forgive that wall. Don't ask.  Today I was sitting on my sitting rock and I met someone I haven't seen in a few years and he remembered me?  That's so strange I just assume people will forget me when they don't see me for a few years.  Even so I have never been good at making friends.  I have always been different from everyone.  I crave to be like everyone else and I almost always try to be normal.  Yet it tends to not happen, I just get scared and act weird.  Most of my life I avoided people because it was easier to avoid people than to deal with their scourging and them telling me that I am weird.  I remember just avoiding everyone and I felt like no one liked me.  Maybe no one ever will, I am just to weird.  I mean truly like me, I have only ever had a few friends that take me seriously.   I was going to say something but nah... Good night, go gently.  Every once in awhile I meet someone who I feel absolutely comfortable with.  I don't really even know them well, however as soon as I meet this person I fall in complete like with them.  I would do anything to be there friend.  That includes talking, which is hard for me.  I remember one time it took me several years (the number is more embarrassing) to say hi to someone.  I am not exaggerating.  Please leave a comment, It's makes me sad. I might have a citizen cane review up soon I don't really know dude.

Married Wha??

Ready to take my interview #no filter
My potential child
I actually have a reason for the Day 00- thing, it is for the days when I cannot figure out what to put the title as.  So 003 means that I couldn't figure out what title to use for 3 days not necessarily in any order.  I just found out my childhood crush is getting married.  I'm just sitting here with pants on my head.  I need to get into the dating game man.  Hm, maybe I can marry a chicken I like chickens.  What would our kids look like? Hm maybe not marry a chicken, a nice man will do, our babies would look more normal.  Don't judge me, this blog is a judge free place.  I can marry whoever I want to marry.  Oh that guy from Hey Arnold is called the pigeon man.  Maybe I can find a man who is carried by chickens into the sunset, that would be cool.  However Chickens can't fly :(  My criteria for a man is that he has to have a lot of chickens, or just birds.  When someone asks me to marry them there better be lots of birds, or I will say no.  JK I will say yes if I want to.  Hm, I am only 23 years old I am to young to be married! Blah but it be cool to have someone to talk to everyday and make each other laugh everyday!  That sounds pretty cool.  When I get married I will fly to the moon and eat some donuts.  Yeah gluten free donuts.  My husband will be confused to where I went, I won't call him.  Imagine those fees!  Did Neil Armstrong call someone when he was on the moon? Well I don't know.  According to WIkipedia "Neil Armstrong is said to have converted to Islam upon hearing the Adhan (call to prayer) on the moon." Well alright the more you know!

Friday, March 25, 2016

Moment of Time Shine

I'm Baman I'm Piederman, I come over to the house, we're best friends! - Great song
Oh my other blog Russia is my fourth largest country (257 hits). So far I only have 2 hits in Germany and 1 hit in Mexico. How do I reach out to the international markets? Hm, I don't really know maybe I will write another research paper.  I added a picture so you will believe me, I do have a blog that has over 5,000 hits from 3 years ago.  This semester I went to the Snow building twice.  I haven't been in that building for a few years, I always avoided it I would refuse to go there.  However for some reason I went there twice this semester?  The first time I went with someone to see Antigone, I was really close to having a panic attack. It was a while ago so I don't really remember.  The second time I went with a group of people to play a game, I did have a panic attack and just left.  The reason that I am bringing this up is because sometimes we relate a place with bad memories.  The snow brings back memories that I don't want to remember but they were good memories.  The memories in the snow were good, not bad.  I just want you readers to know that places aren't going to do anything to you.  you just have to let go of those memories and move on.  I know it can be hard but sometimes you just have to do it.  Yeah cool I don't know I was just thinking about that today.  If it makes any sense at all.
I relate to this man so much, RubberNinja. Yeah I did the metal rendition of Frozen before. My roommates told me to sing like the music I listen to so I did, much like what this strange little man did.


Pokemon Go image :D
I don't know if this blog is relevant to anyone's interest.  I have no idea why I am doing this. Why was I compelled to start a daily blog in the middle of a semester, and actually keep it up?  My life is boring, I don't really do anything fun.  I make a lot of mistakes and do stupid things.  I am not a particularly fascinating person, I don't really have many friends.  Why would anyone want to read this blog.  I am nothing special, and I know the few of you who read this blog may think otherwise, but I am addressing the randoms.  The internet is full of millions of web addresses.  Which would take several lifetimes to skim through, yes just skim. (I made that up)  So why is this blog special.  It isn't really.  I just like to put my thoughts down on the internet.  For some random bloke in Germany to judge.  Just for some random girl stuck in the hospital forced to surf the internet for days on end.  Just for that boy who is looking up research papers on internet addiction for research.  (research begets research)   So if you are interested at all in my mundane life come and sit a while.  Just read and relax as you peruse my mental landscape.  I leave quite a bit out, but this blog is about a quarter of what my mental landscape is.  Mental Landscape - inner thoughts, creativity, just anything that goes on in my inner psyche (I made this definition/word combo up)

Most important video you will see today.... Someone told me this post was depressing so I added some cute owls

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

what should this blog be about?

I put the pictures I make on to my other blog and I actually got a few notes on it, cool! What do you want out of this blog readers?  Leave a comment telling me what you want.  I was thinking of having a blog that is around research, I will research a topic every week or something.  Than I will put my findings on here.  Or I can go to seminars and leave my notes on here.   I really like to draw, maybe I can post my art on here?  Or maybe this blog can be for short stories, or photographs I take.  I have a lot of ideas, maybe I will just do all of them. However if anyone has any suggestions I will take them.  I really want to keep this blog up.  I like doing it and making little quotes with pics.
Me trying to touch Chickens
Today I saw chickens, it was pretty great.  Maddie took this picture she is beautiful.  I really like chickens Ammon was like do you want to leave.  I wanted to stay there forever and feed the chickens.  I talked to the chickens and told them they were beautiful.  like a completely sane person.  There were two sets of chickens, the broilers and the layers. The broilers were three weeks old and were going to be killed tomorrow, glad I got to see them!  The layers were ready to lay in 1 month, so no eggs to be seen.  Side note I saw Zootopia instead of going to Comic Book Workshop was that the best decision? idk the movie cost money and CBW is free...  There is also the factor that I saw it two times already.
Ecclesiastes 5:10, 12
10 He that loveth silver shall not be satisfied with silver; nor he that loveth abundance with increase: this is also vanity.
12 The sleep of a labouring man is sweet, whether he eat little or much: but the abundance of the rich will not suffer him to sleep.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016


Today I ate a donut it made me sad.  Today's inspirational quote is one that I made... Its from a song okay?  The donut needs you to know that there are ghosts? I have no idea, I am having to much fun making my own quotes, the sky's the limit.  I attached a movie that is pretty amazing.  I really enjoy it, it is basically a bunch of disney movies mashed up into one. It takes all the inspirational things into one and puts them all together for your enjoyment. I just had a random memory, I used to give food to people all the time.  Like someone would walk in the door, and I would yell at them if I had food.  I would give my food to anybody.  I still kind of do that, I just make sweets from time to time.  Yesterday I gave someone a granola bar and a package of gluten filled pasta (yuck!) which was something I haven't done in a long time.  Even if it was something I didn't really want.

Spoilers (Proceed With Caution)
I need this in my life
Bird, nothing to do with anything. Its my blog!
I saw this movie twice, first time was the very first showing in my local theater. Than the second time was with my friend the very next day.  I will make a review on zootopia just know that I am not a professional and these are my raw thoughts. I most likely won't edit this unless I get an overwhelming response to this post. Which would be cool.  So zootopia is a very good movie. It follows two characters who seem very unlikely to be in the cop force. It's message is that we should all be good together even if we have our differences.  Foxes are bunnies predators, they shouldn't be together it seems to be a bad thing for them.  Early in the movie Hopps gets fox spray she can't even leave her house without it! Hopps got into the cop force even though she is a bunny and she was a lot better than a lot of the bigger animals.  She used her strengths to her advantage.  The jokes in this movie were pretty funny, even if I watched it two days in a row I still laughed at most of the jokes.  I even laughed at some jokes the second time that I didn't before.  I think sitting in certain places in the theater makes the experience different.  The first time I sat in the back of the theater which means that I can see everyone's reactions and hear a majority of the comments.  The second time I sat in the front and there was a lot more people there, but I was with someone.  I don't know why but when I am by myself I get really distracted and pay attention to what everyone else is doing.  However when I am with someone I am less distracted.  So when I was with someone I felt like I was more focused on the movie.  Also the second time there seemed to be better reactions, which I feel is kind of weird because the first time was the very first showing?  My roommates didn't know that Zootopia was coming out until I told them, which was like what?  My favorite part of the movie was when the Yak went up to the Elephant because she supposedly had a good memory.  However the Yak remembered everything.  Which was interesting, sometimes we are better at things than we think we are.  I also liked Nick's back story, those kids were so mean to him.  All he wanted to do was some good and be accepted as a good guy.  After his experience he turned to a life of crime.  I relate to this, because practically my whole life people have called me weird and different.  I am getting off topic, sorry.  This movies resolution was that  Nick and Judy found the bad guy and saved the day.  They found all of the missing animals, even though no one believed that they could.  One of the main problems in this movie was that the predators were going back to their primal instincts. Which is something that is relatable to the audience watching this movie.  I think that it relates to the natural man, and that the natural man is something that can be scary.  I really like Nick because he has been through hard times in his life and he does everything he can to help his friend Judy.  Nick has resulted in a life of crime, because that is all he has ever known and that is what people expect him to be.  I feel like I have spent a really long time trying to be the person want me to be, but making other people happy doesn't mean anything.   You make yourself happy, do what makes you the happiest.  I feel like Nick was really unhappy being a criminal.  He seemed to be a lot happier when he was working with Judy than when he was working with Finnick.  I really really enjoyed the art in this movie.  I actually read some articles, and watched a few movies about the art in Zootopia.  It seems really really cool.  I am fascinated by all of the work that goes in a movie.  Maybe some day I can start a business and support artists in their work.  Such as indie artists, such as help them make video games, comic books, and whatever else artists do.  I really really love this movie I give it 9.5 pomegranates out of 10 pomegranates.  The half pomegranate is for lack of birds.  I have no idea why I like birds so much, I just do, don't judge me.  If you read this far, leave in the comments any suggestions or any questions you have.

Monday, March 21, 2016

10 Cloverfield Lane

Inspirational quote I made.
this is pretty interesting read and enjoy   I found this website through a source .__.  I hate it when people clap, it makes my heart hurt, and it actually kind of makes my hands hurt.  I am a weakling I know. I made today's inspirational quote, it is kind of something I live by.  I have had migraines since I can remember, so I have always been in pain my whole life. Some people complain about getting sick once a month, and I am just sitting here like I wish I could get sick once a week! Yes you heard that right, a week not a month... Haha  Well I don't get sick I just get headaches.  The last time I didn't have a headache was when I got my wisdom teeth pulled out.  I want my wisdom teeth to grow back in so I don't have to have a headache again.  It was a cause of having so many pain meds. When I was a baby I had seizure disorder, so just clarifying that last statement. I got another hit in Germany, maybe it is the same person or just people in Germany are interested in my blog?

Spoilers (Proceed with caution)
This is the trailer!  I really like the song in the trailer.  I wanted to watch this movie because I wanted to put aspects of this concept into my Novel.  This movie presented the idea of a mad man.  With one actor I recognized and everyone else was random.  The guy crashed into the girl and kidnapped her. When you first see her he locks her up. Having a sense of no escape. You find out more about the characters throughout the movie. They become friends and then find out the man's daughter wasn't really his daughter. So they tried to escape. With this plan of escape they got caught and the man killed the girls friend.  Right in front of her.  She ended up blowing up the bunker and realized that what the crazy man was saying was true all along. I really enjoyed this movie it has a 88% on rotten tomatoes. I liked zootopia better but that movie was lighthearted and cloverfield lane is more intense.  This movie made me think about how people want to stay alive even when everything seems horrible.  My review of the movie was horrible but I am not an official movie review writer. Don't judge me. Sometime even if something seems crazy doesn't mean that it can't happen.  This movie showed a man that was insane.  Does being insane mean you're a bad person. Forcing people to do things that you want them to do. Such as shooting someone and putting their body into acid.  Than assuming that the person you want to look up to you to respect you? No just no. Anyone that thinks they can do that. Also the fact that the man abducted someone else and killed them.  This movie was very interesting.  It was kind of a generic thriller what with the crazy guy and the dopey friend.  However it made me think. What if I know someone who is that crazy.  Does the drive to go back to normalcy that strong?  Would I act that way too if I was if I was in that position?  Probably.  I think that the sense to go crazy is in everyone.  However the two people had the sense of survival.  They didn't believe the guy but they knew that the air was bad.  The guy was worse than going out into toxic air.  I didn't understand why they didn't just kill the guy and live in the bunker themselves. But she had to blow it up stupid.  I think it would of been better to blow up the base than to live with that guy. He was very controlling he had to have everyone do exactly what he wanted them to do. He killed that guy without even thinking about it.  Ahh I give that movie 7 out 10 pomegranates.  3 pomegranates taken away for the ending.  The buildup was the good part but the ending was way to fast.  She just killed the alien without any hesitation and the worm alien was nowhere to be seen. That girl has no chill, just blowing up bases and throwing molotov's into giant aliens.  She is so rude, oh and she stole a car. Zootopia got 9.5 out 10 pomegranates.  I should do a zootopia review next, if anyone actually wants that. the half pomegranate is for lack of birds.  I use pomegranates instead of the traditional rating system, because that is boring.

Day 002

this metric has nothing to do with anything. I just remembered to update this so this blog may be lacking today. I went to church and we laid out in the sun for a while.  It was super nice. I ate things. I made gluten free cupcakes. They tasted really good. I made girl and boy cupcakes. A boy ate a girl cupcake he is a girl now. I'm fine if he doesn't realize.  I Just want to have a nice dream about you all the time.  That last sentence was autofill.

Saturday, March 19, 2016


GOt a hit in germany, next is Russia I hope... tODAY WAS a day, I hope I did good. I really don't know what to write, or I just don't want to be bother to write... Someone showed me art that I already saw which was a happy coincidence.  Today I did Laundry and eat a lot of popsicles.
What a deal!! Its 30% off only $1,819.  I need to buy it, it will only be this cheap for a short time!!

Day 001

I was alive. Attack its weakpoint for massive damage. I saw 10 clover field lane, it was good.

Thursday, March 17, 2016


My inspirational quote for the day, well more funny than anything but who really reads this anyway.   Lolz.  I found some Chickens in my general vicinity, my room mate came over to look at it.  I finally gave that person the drawing I did over a week ago.  Since I got sick it was to much effort to walk over to their place, so I just asked him to come over and he did.  He was grateful for it.  I am glad.   I didn't really do anything exciting other than that.  I am still sick but I am feeling better.  Somehow I am still getting 10,000 steps a day even though I am sick??  Sorry...  I like walking to much.  I went over to my FHE bros apartment, got medicine, ate food and watched Kung Fu Panda 2!  I was distracted.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

The End

Dude I tried to find quality vines about birds and this came up I don't really understand vine. I just wanted birds.  WHy is this strange man wearing a tie, birds don't wear ties.  Is he going to the seed exchange to trade seeds at Cage Street or something!!! EXPLAIN, OOD BLAHAHAHAHAHAHA (it makes sense in my head)
This show has just ended... I don't know why they didn't end it when Edd died(March 25th, 2012). That was practically 4 years ago. However they had their hearts in the right place.  Ever since that happened TomSka, one of the main characters has been really depressed.  I lost interest in him because of that.  I mean I am already sad enough I won't let you make me sadder.  Which makes me think about a lot of things.  Maybe people don't hang around me because I am sad a lot.  Hm, probably but how will I be happier if no likes me.  Its confusing but your not my therapist okay bye.  I have been watching this show since I was in Middle School, so it is a big part of my childhood.  I remember watching it with my friends at the library.  Yeah the library we were cool.  We would go in the woods behind the library and look for hobos, like I said we were way cool.  Wait one time all my friends went into the woods without me, I wonder what they were doing in there?  Haha I probably know.  Also in this show I was watching today this woman killed her husband over something trivial and just went to sleep.  How messed up can you be to do something like that for something so small?   I just don't know, sometimes in the moment we do things that are really stupid.  I believe that we should evaluate our situation with logic and not emotion.  I tend to use emotion over logic, but I don't think I would kill anyone over a small thing.  My favorite eddisode of Eddsworld is 25 feet under the seat, if you want to look that up go ahead.  I just really like the song in the credits, I used to sing it to embarrass my mom at the store.   If you ever make me do something I don't want to do I will embarrass you so ya know. The names spell Jam Bks..  So like Jam Bakes hahah I also saw this Bernie Sanders skateboard in my class I was staring into his eyes, until some rude dude came and took him away!!   I was having a moment with Bernie sanders thank you sir.  Well he had pizza so I forgive him for his transgressions!
Can someone explain to me why the embed doesn't work if you know for any reason?
* I tried to find a quote from Source Code but I couldn't so I'll add this short little scene.  There is this System of a Down song that I have always hated, and because the song is in Secret Life of Pets I had to look up the lyrics.  They are saying Pogo and not some obscenity I thought they where saying which starts with a M and ends with an R.  I don't want to say what it is but you can guess if you want.  I am not sure if I will ever like that song again, but you don't realize I have been listening to SOAD since I was a child so this is shocking to me.  WHAT They are saying POGO how have I never noticed that before?? I have always told people I hated that song and they would just give me weird looks, granted I never told them why I hated it.  
I found a bird life is good now.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Where Pears come from

Watch this and you can see where my blog Description actually came from.  It wasn't completely random, a really round about way saying that I like Doctor Who. I just couldn't remember how the line it went. It's Tenent, there has been Smith and Capaldi okay it's been awhile since he has been the doctor.  To me Eccelston was the crazy uncle, Tennet was the boyfriend, Smith was your childhood friend, and Capaldi was, well I haven't finished his arc yet I am behind in the Doctor who franchise.  There is going to be a new doctor before I know it.   I don't want to watch it illegally, but I don't know where to find it.  Does anyone know where to find it.  I found out that I had strep throat yesterday, which I have never had.  I don't know how often I have mentioned Doctor Who on this blog, but the show is amazing.  Being sick makes you think about a lot of things.  Which is good for me because right now is a big step in my life.  Cause I am graduating college, or am I? I hope that you people are having a great day and that everything can go the way that you want it to. What Doctor Who isn't on Netflix anymore?  What will I watch now?  Hm, my little pony will do...  Or Sherlock I guess, but you can only watch that show so many times before you know everything and found all the easter eggs.  I included a selfie of me, yay I am sick.  

Monday, March 14, 2016

Hot Dogs?

Can someone please tell me what the bologna this picture is about?  It was related to Pi Day?  It formatted weird so I just set it to be its original size.

Sunday, March 13, 2016


 Today I was really sick, I only went to church and laid in bed all day.  I tried to watch this show, it was pretty interesting but also weird at the same time...

3 Minutes!!

my fruit snack cutout
Okay so today I do stuff and now i am watching hunger games and it is amazing!! Okay now that the rush to get this done so that I can maintain my daily blogger title.  Actually I never gave myself that title I just decided to do it... I was planning on going to Idaho Falls today, why because I have a car and no one is stopping me. I invited a couple people, so they came over and left like 2 minutes later.  However that looked at me through a window and wiggled their eyebrows...great.  I was still laughing about that hours later.  I ended up going to Walmart because walmart.  I went with someone and I didn't go alone, YES!  I got Zootopia fruit snacks and cut out the characters and then hung them on my wall.  Hehe why because I can. I am adult thanks for asking.    Today was a good day i hope I can have more good days.  My tutor was really helpful, but apparently I didn't tell him that we can use the Stl Maps, but I remember telling him that I could.  He just wasn't listening to meh...

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Does it GROW?

So today I did a lot of stuff and was busy all day.  Than I took a nap and it was 11 pm I think I will go to bed and take my test in the morning.  Than I have a tutor appointment at 2-3.  So I will go to take the test after I eat lunch...  This blog is so interesting but I am going to sleep... I hope what I did won't bite me in the butt.... UGH  There is this event I want to go to but I didn't plan well and I am not sure if I will be able to go :(  I have laundry degergent in my bed don't ask why.  THe bottle not the liquid

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Trifecta of allergicity

The google search for this...
.... Pizza, btw I am allergic to cheese, wheat and tomatoes.  We need to believe in ourselves, or what else will all that hard work pay off for?  I like this quote I got it from Harry Potter inspirational quote.  I can't remember what book this is from... I'm sorry I haven't read harry Potter in  a few years.  my younger self would slap me right now.  I read a Harry Potter book every month for almost 2 years.  Than it turned to once a year than to not at all.  When I graduate I will read more.  Maybe not Harry Potter, I definitely want to read Lord of the Rings again.  Maybe the Silmarillion??  I tried once but I was in the 8th grade so maybe I will appreciate it more now.  I had to go in the adult section of the library to get it, I felt so rebellious. Hahahaha.  I was way to wild I needed to be stopped.  Vlog I made 3 years ago.  I mentioned this before, I decided to let you see it, consider yourself lucky.  If you don't like space or birbs, I don't think that this blog will be for you.

Wednesday, March 09, 2016


What I coloured
Today I did Yoga and it was really interesting.  How we can just control all the muscles in our body at will.  I don't even know how we do that, what is the science behind that.
me, but with birds in the future
 Yesterday we had to run up and down the stairs in the gym.  It was horrible one of my worst fears, I almost fell like 5 times but I didn't luckily.  I feel like I am getting my life a little more together.  I just need to work really hard and not fill my mind with trivial things.  You can get the idea of what trivial things are in my mind, if you have been paying attention to this blog at all.  I don't even know how many people even keep up to date on this blog, but I am writing it for myself and not for other people.  I want to come back after a few years and read this blog to remember what was going through my head at that specific time in history.   I just hope whoever is reading this is having a good life and can be happy for even a little bit out of your horrible day.  If you are having a good day, than good for you dude.  I coloured someone a picture and I am not sure if they will appreciate it but I going to give it to them anyway. I am not completely done with it.

Tuesday, March 08, 2016

Today is Today// Interstellar spoilers

i feel a little bit better than yesterday.  I really like the word Murph.  I use it as a short way to say if something bad can happen then it will happen.  I think that it is an interesting concept.  We need to be aware that life isn't always going to go the way that we want it to go.  That bad things are going to happen.  I just randomly sent it to people with no explanation.  However I am weird and it probably won't ruin my street cred.  Oh Murph relates to Murphy's Law in case you didn't get that.  I was just thinking about it because I watched Interstellar yesterday and the main character is named Murph.  I feel like that whole movie is about Murphy's law.  Cooper goes into space and his daughter is an old woman when he came back.  What's worse than that.  To be 30 years old and your daughter is 112?  It isn't even about time travel, well not really.  There is also the part with Dr. Man where he hasn't seen a human face in several years.
 He has gone insane because he knew that he never did anything to help anyone.  There was also that part where they said that he brought so many people in the unknown.  That has to be psychology demanding to him.  I remember when I first saw interstellar. It was on the plane home from Japan.   That is when I learned that my cousin committed suicide. So that movie is somewhat special to me because it reminds me of my childhood dream and something really tragic at the same time.  I remember telling my mom that the part where doctor Man blew up the space station was really sad.  My mom said that Dr. Mann was a bad guy and it wasn't sad at all.  I think it was sad because this man was driven to madness, was he really a bad guy.  At one point cooper said that there is a 50/50 chance that you are going to kill yourself, and he said that's the best chance I had in years!  Which I can attest, he could at any point just exposed himself to the toxic atmosphere.  So he still had some sense of survival instinct inside of him and wanted something even if he was stranded.  He said that he only pushed the button to see if anyone would save him and not because the planet was habitable.  Dr. Mann is a very interesting character and I feel like there is a lot more to him there seems to be.
 Whenever I feel like I am getting close to someone I always try to push them away.  I don't really understand why I do it, it explains why I don't really have many friends.  So does anyone know any reason why I might do this?I feel like I made a good friend this semester but I have been trying to push them away absentmindedly, and I don't know why in the slightest.  I am just weird don't judge me.
I went to shutdown my computer but I scrolled over notifications and not Power, needless to say I was confused.  My computer needs to hide while I sleep okay don't judge.